10 Super Easy Ways To Use Olive Oil In Your Beauty Regime

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There’s a reason that so many skincare products use olive oil as the main ingredient. This oil is one of the most powerful ingredients in the world. Both healthy for your body and your skin, this oil is one of the most effective products to use to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.

Olive Oil In Beauty Regime

This all-natural beauty hack has been used by model and actresses for generations. If you want the secret to healthy and glowing skin, you need to try olive oil in a beauty regime. Try the following ideas for healthier skin:

1. Bathing In Oil

Baths are incredibly refreshing. Give your next bath a boost by adding in some olive oil. With a few tablespoons of olive oil, you can take your DIY spa day to the next level.

Though you’re adding in such a small amount of olive oil, this healthy beauty hack does wonders for your skin. Once you’re done, wipe off any excess oil and voila!

2. Hydrate Your Skin

Using lotion infused with this oil will give your skin a radiant glow. While most store-bought luxury lotions and moisturizers are relatively expensive, adding in oil to regular lotion is efficient, as well as completely natural.

In addition to adding this oil to your lotion, using the oil by itself after you finish showering will allow your skin to soak in all of the hydrating powers of the oil.

Wipe off the excess once you’re out of the shower. Making a habit of this oil application in the shower and with your lotion will make your skin undeniably smooth.

3. Remove Your Makeup

We all want to use makeup that is long-lasting, but these products can be difficult to remove from the skin.

It’s important that all this makeup be properly removed to ensure that your skin gets a chance to breathe. However, most of the best makeup removers are quite pricey and some products are excessively drying to the skin.

If you find that you’re struggling to find a product to remove your makeup, give this oil a try. Take a cotton pad or tissue, dampen it, then apply the oil.

To make the makeup removal easier, use a damp cloth to wipe off some of the initial makeup first. Once you use the oil-soaked cloth on your face, you’ll be amazed at how easily your makeup comes off.

Even the most stubborn makeup like waterproof mascara will easily come off with this oil hack. 

Create your own ready-made makeup removing wipes by soaking several cotton pads in a container of oil, witch hazel, and distilled water.

4. Strengthen Your Nails

Hate breaking your nails? While some people take certain vitamins designed to enhance their nails, you can use this oil to make your nails unbreakable.

Use a warm oil bath to give your nails a polished and healthy finish. Take ten minutes to soak your fingernails in a bath of warm oil. You can heat up this oil in the microwave for one minute to ensure that the oil isn’t too hot.

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After your nails soak in the oil, they will be visibly shinier and stronger than ever.

5. Reduce Eye Wrinkles

Reducing the wrinkles underneath your eyes is a good way to look younger. If you’d rather not pay for those expensive eye creams, you can make your own using this oil.

The oil will nourish the skin underneath and around the eyes, as well as soften the fine lines on the rest of your face. 

Start this process by dabbing some oil underneath each eye before you go to bed or after you wake up in the morning. Using olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and a vitamin E capsule, you can make your own eye cream that will refresh your skin.

Keep this eye cream in the fridge to make sure it stays as fresh as possible.

6. Hydrate Your Face

Face masks are an important part of any olive oil in beauty regime. Make your own simple face mask using this oil and egg yolk.

This mixture should be applied to a clean face. Leave it on for up to ten minutes, rinsing with warm water at first then cold water to close your pores. This mask is ideal for most skin types as it works well with dry or normal skin. Once you wash off the mask, you’ll see that you have that all-natural sun-kissed glow.

7. Treat Your Hair

Tired of split ends? Miss having luxuriously shiny hair?

Get your beautiful locks back by using this oil to make a hair mask.

This mask is easy and efficient as you likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen. With an egg yolk, oil, and lemon juice, you can create one of the best DIY treatments for your hair.

Leave the mask on for 15 minutes to allow your strands to fully soak in all the nutrients. After you rinse out the mask, shampoo and condition your hair. As you style your hair after your mask, you’ll be able to feel the difference in your strands.

8. Heal Your Sunburns

Forget your sunblock? No one wants to have to treat a sunburn, but in the event that you do end up with blistering skin after a day in the sun, use this oil to treat your skin ASAP. This all-natural salve only uses two ingredients: oil and vinegar.

Rub this solution over your sunburned skin. Though the vinegar may sound like it might burn your skin, in reality, the anti-inflammatory properties in the vinegar mixed with the oil will help to heal your sunburns. 

9. Remove Ear Wax

We all have ear wax. While there are many different methods for removing the wax from our ears, one of the most effective yet overlooked products to clean ear wax uses oil.

Regardless of how much wax buildup you may have, this oil remedy will ensure that your ears are wax-free. Over a three night period, drop some oil in each ear to start flushing them out.

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Use a dropper to make sure the oil makes it into the deeper crevices of your ears. In the morning, it’s best to wipe out any excess oil and wax that may come out. To complete this treatment, it’s best to pair this oil method with an ear irrigator to make sure all the wax is completely flushed out.

10. Eliminate Acne

Using oil to fight acne may sound absurd, but it works!

This DIY acne treatment uses salt and this oil to create an acne eliminating mixture. Massage this mixture on your whole face or use it only on your blemished areas.

Leave this on for up to five minutes then wash the treatment off. As you use this treatment more frequently, you’ll start to see your face clearing up.

Benefits Of Olive Oil In Beauty Regime

The reason these beauty hacks work is because of olive oil’s powerful properties. The better you understand these qualities, the more uses you’ll find for this oil. Consider the following benefits of this “liquid gold” oil:

1. Antioxidant Protection

The three major antioxidants in this oil are phytosterols, polyphenols, and vitamin E. These antioxidants help to keep your skin protected from aging.

All these characteristics help to restore your skin to a smoother texture. Additionally, this oil contains hydroxytyrosol, a rare compound that helps to prevent any free radical damage from sunlight.

2. Clog-Free Pores

While most people assume that oil will clog their pores, this isn’t the case with this oil. This oil works to penetrate the skin deeply, ensuring that your pores are thoroughly cleansed.

Organic oil is an excellent substitute for any other moisturizer you may use. Instead of clogging your pores with chemicals and the like, this all-natural alternative will ensure that your skin is hydrated and firm.

3. Expert Exfoliation

You don’t need to use fancy exfoliating products to make sure your skin is healthy. This hack uses the oil to penetrate the newer skin cells as you exfoliate with sea salt or a similar scrub to removes dead skin cells.

4. Beauty Booster

As mentioned earlier, there are several different ways to apply this oil to your regular routine. From face masks to nail care to hair treatments, overall, this oil will play a significant role in your beauty regimen.

Final Thoughts On Olive Oil

There are multiple uses for oil in your beauty routine. As you come to learn all of the wonderful benefits of this oil, you’ll search for new ways to use it in every one of your beauty treatments.

Keep your skin healthy and happy with your oil-infused DIY beauty hacks. Use this guide to help you find the best techniques for using this oil on your skin.


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