12 Dehydration Symptoms And Why It Is So Dangerous (#4 Is Shocking) + Natural Remedies

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75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. When someone is dehydrated, they can face an acid-alkaline imbalance in the body. The body fluids decrease in alkalinity, which can cause impaired functioning of the organs in the body.

When one fails to take dehydration remedies, the resulting impacts are a low immune system, cancer, heart problems, and brain damage. Also, because most water is available in body cells, dehydration can result in damage to these cells. This is because the waste will accumulate around the cells and lead to the death of the cells.

Here Are 12 Dehydration Symptoms:

1. Constipation

Your body requires water to keep food moving through the large intestine. When you are not drinking sufficient water, your body compensates by withdrawing more water from the stool. This makes your stool hard and harder to pass.

However, drinking more water when your body is already properly hydrated will not eradicate constipation caused by other factors such as diet-free fiber, medical conditions, and medications you are taking.

2. Thirst

Thirst is one of the most direct dehydration symptoms. The quickest remedy is to begin drinking water or fluids with electrolytes immediately after you notice the sign. The best way to prevent dehydration from happening is to meet the daily water requirements. While men are required to drink 3.7 liters, women are required to drink 2.7 liters.

3. Headache

Dehydration can lead to a headache in many ways. Lack of water in your body can affect the levels of serotonin, which can lead to headaches. Additionally, the tiny blood vessels in your brain react quickly to hydration levels, causing full-blown migraines or dull aches. To get rid of this symptom, drink lots of water or eat a fruit.

4. Bad Breath

You might forget to drink water throughout your day, but it is not unusual to see your friends standing far from you. This is because lack of enough water can lead to bad breath. This is one of the most embarrassing dehydration symptoms; I bet you did not see this one coming.

Saliva has essential anti-bacterial properties. When you are dehydrated, the low levels of saliva allow thriving of bacteria, which cause bad breath. Hence, to avoid bad breath, drink lots of water.

5. Dizziness And Fogginess

In addition to muscles, your brain also gets limited blood circulation when you are dehydrated, and this can lead to dizziness. According to a British Journal of Nutrition’s study, slight dehydration can impact your ability to carry out mental activities and lead to fogginess.

6. Muscle Cramps

According to La Amistad Family Health Center, dehydration can lead to a low circulation of blood that can cause muscle cramps. The body will guard its essential organs by shifting water from muscles and other non-vital organs.

Muscle cramps are excruciating and make muscles feel harder than usual when touched. Adjustments in potassium and sodium via sweat loss can also lead to cramping.

7. Chilliness

Dehydration can lead to a fever, making you feel chilly when it is hot. This happens due to your body limiting the flow of blood to your skin. Additionally, water contains heat, and when you are dehydrated, it is hard to regulate the temperature of your body, which can cause chilliness faster.

8. Exhaustion

According to research, low hydration levels can affect your cognitive functions and mood. This is particularly common in elderly or young persons who may seem forgetful or alert.

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According to Human Performance Laboratory of the University of Connecticut, even slight dehydration can change the mood, ability to think clearly, and energy of a person. The scientists defined slight dehydration as an about 1.5% loss in regular water volume in the body.

9. Dry Skin

According to Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates, maintaining a healthy and glowing skin needs sufficient water. Your water intake is dependent on your lifestyle. For instance, if you drink a lot of coffee or work out a lot, you need to drink a lot of water. This is because caffeine is a diuretic that dehydrates you while working out causes loss of water through sweat.

Additionally, moisturized skin requires short showers of lukewarm water since hot water leads to dry skin.

10. Dry Eyes

When you work out for a long time such that you sweat and the general level of fluid in your body falls, you can have dry eyes. Additionally, any other body part that is usually moist is going to be dry. It is, therefore, crucial to monitor your levels of hydration and ensure you are taking water throughout your workout.

11. Lack Of Sweat

Lack of sweat is a severe symptom of dehydration. It means your body needs water. It could also be a sign of a heat stroke or overheating, which also require the body to cool down through consumption of a lot of water.

12. Dark Urine

Proper dehydration is characterized by light yellow or straw-colored urine. But if your urine is dark in color, or if it features blood, you need to quit your workout. This happens because you are dehydrated, and it can be one of the most worrying dehydration symptoms.

Also, keep in mind that clear urine means you are over-hydrated.

Natural Dehydration Remedies

1. Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt has magnesium that assists in combating dehydration symptoms when absorbed in the body. Include one cup of Epsom salt in your bath water. Then soak and relax in the water for up to 20 minutes. Do this between 2 and 3 times per week.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt has high levels of electrolytes and, therefore, can help in eradicating dehydration through the restoration of lost electrolytes in your body. Mix a cup of yogurt and a pinch of salt thoroughly. Then consume it once or twice per day.

3. Salt

During dehydration, your body lacks in essential minerals and electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Therefore, to combat dehydration, it is recommended that you take more of these minerals and electrolytes to achieve their balance in your body.

Your body can naturally keep the balance of water and sodium. During dehydration, this balanced is ruined. Hence, increasing the levels of salt in your diet through sodium-rich foods and sports drinks can aid your body in regaining the sodium-water balance. This results in the overall hydration of your body.

4. Lemon Water

In addition to refreshing you, lemon water also assists you in overcoming dehydration through the restoration of magnesium, sodium, and potassium levels in your body. Squeeze half a slice of lemon into a glass full of water. Use honey to add flavor to the drink and drink it twice or thrice per day.

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5. Orange Juice

Oranges have high levels of minerals and vitamins. They also have electrolytes like potassium and small amounts of magnesium. They can reduce dehydration through maintenance of electrolyte balance in the body. Take one or two glasses of unsweetened orange juice once or twice per day. You can do this prior to or after a tedious workout.

6. Apple Juice

Apples have a lot of magnesium and little amounts of potassium. Apple juice can, therefore, aid in the restoration of lost electrolytes and minerals in your body. A 2016 study showed that diluted apple juice is more efficient than electrolyte drinks in the treatment of dehydration in children.

Mix half a glass of water and an apple in a blender. Drink the juice twice per day.

7. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is one of the top natural dehydration remedies due to its high water content. It also possesses crucial salts and sugars that are lost during dehydration. Take two cups of unsweetened cranberry juice per day.

8. Pickle Juice

When you sweat excessively, your body tends to lose a lot of sodium and potassium, leading to dehydration. According to research, participants received immediate relief from cramping of muscles after taking pickle juice. Pickle juice is rich in sodium and possesses trace amounts of potassium.

Pickle juice aids in the restoration of electrolyte balance in your body and hence, it is one of the excellent dehydration remedies. Drink a glass of pickle juice once a day, preferably before or after intense exercise.

9. Homemade Ors

ORS is an abbreviation for Oral Rehydration Solution. Drinking ORS helps in replacing the lost water in your body. This is because the sugar’s glucose content in ORS aids to increase the uptake of water and sodium that are lost during dehydration.

Mix half a teaspoon of salt, six teaspoons of brown sugar, and four cups of water. Drink the three liters of the mixture several times a day.

10. Essential Oils

Lemon essential oil possesses cleansing and antioxidant properties. It is excellent for your health and hydration. Include a few drops of lemon oil in a glass of water and drink once per day.

Wild orange essential oil has antioxidant properties that aid in promoting your health and boosting your immune system. Include a few drops of wild orange oil in a glass of water and drink a few times per day.

Peppermint oil has magnesium and potassium, which are low in dehydrated persons. Include two drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water and drink once or twice per day.

11. Coconut Water

Coconut water is rich in potassium and sodium, which are essential for hydration. Drink a glass of coconut water up to five times per day.

12. Soups

Soups are rich sources of minerals and electrolytes that aid in treating dehydration symptoms. The high levels of potassium in soups make them a perfect choice for hydrating your body. Drink a bowl of soup before a hectic workout to maintain your hydration.


Lack of water has some severe dehydration symptoms that can cause discomfort to your body. Additionally, long-term dehydration can lead to significant body damage. However, some natural treatments can hydrate the body before this damage occurs. Application of these dehydration remedies will get your body back to normal hydration levels.


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