Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Go 28 Days Without Alcohol

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We’ve been told that a glass or two of wine per night won’t hurt us, but a new study says that people should totally cut alcohol from their diets. It warns that around 5% of cancers have a direct link to alcohol. While this percentage is relatively low, abstaining from drinking would eliminate the risk of developing these types of cancers.

Plus, alcohol can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and more. It is viewed as socially acceptable to drink as a way to celebrate events or de-stress after a long day at work. Because of alcohol’s ubiquity, many people don’t know how to give it up, and therefore don’t realize the benefits in doing so.

However, we wanted to explore how giving up alcohol for almost a month could transform a person’s health. Below you’ll find out just how much your body can change in 28 days from abstaining.



  • The first week of abstaining from alcohol is usually the hardest. Your appetite may increase because your body is used to having more calories from the drinks. Without those, your body will want food to replace the uneaten calories.
  • You might also experience an increase in anxiety and depression. Drinking helps many people cope with unpleasant feelings. Without a substance to numb them, your emotions might seem more intense.
  • Your sleep may suffer. Overall, you will sleep better without alcohol, but the first week away from it might cause you to have trouble getting to sleep.
  • You may also experience headaches due to changes in blood sugar and blood pressure. Try to stay hydrated and eat healthy foods such as fruits and veggies.


  • Your liver will start to repair itself. Alcohol makes it hard for the liver to do its job, so once you give it up, the organ can begin the recovery process. Cells start to repair themselves and the liver can more efficiently filter out toxins.
  • Your skin will look healthier. Alcohol dries out the body and makes the skin look pale, gaunt, and lifeless. It also causes blood circulation problems, so abstaining will bring the color back to your face.


  • Swelling in the body goes down due to rebalancing of blood sugar and better hydration.
  • Your sleep improves dramatically. Alcohol causes insulin levels to increase during the night, causing frequent waking and restless sleep. Once you eliminate it from your diet, you’ll find that you sleep more soundly during the night.
  • Studies have shown that heavy drinking causes impairment of taste buds. By giving up the booze, your taste receptors can do a better job of sending signals to your brain about the foods you eat.
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  • You might lose some weight due to consuming fewer calories and not being as bloated from water retention.
  • You will have a clearer mind. Alcohol clouds the mind and leads to lower concentration and focus; without this inhibition, your attention span will increase.

Here’s what it looks like when you give up alcohol for almost a year:

Have you ever given up alcohol for a month or more? How did you feel? Share with us in the comments!


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