5 Vitamins You Need to Take Every Day if Heart Attacks Run in Your Family

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Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. We have no established culture of taking better care of our cardiovascular system, and the average age for heart attacks is dropping as well because many heart defects are carried in the family. Genes are the one thing you can’t help when it comes to your health – however, heart disease and heart attacks can be largely preventable.

Positive thinking alone won’t cut it. You will need to take certain measures to make sure your heart is in a good state. Aside from keeping generally healthy and fit, the best step is to provide your body with vitamins that will look after your heart. Many natural ingredients are easily accessible and fairly cheap – so don’t hesitate and add these five vitamins to your next shopping list!

Here Are 5 Vitamins You Need To Take To Prevent Heart Attacks

“Small changes in diet don’t have much effect on preventing coronary heart disease and cancer. But bigger changes in diet and lifestyle may prevent heart attacks in almost everyone.” – Dean Ornish

Note: Always consult your wellness advocate before starting any new regimen.

1. Magnesium

Lots has been written about the almost magical powers of magnesium; however, a magnesium deficiency is a lot more damaging than you might think. As a natural relaxer, magnesium widens your arteries, which makes it easier for your heart to pump blood through your body. Therefore, the strain on your heart lessens, as does your blood pressure.

You can find many natural magnesium sources, but scientists are unanimous that no one gets as much magnesium as they should. So, invest in some magnesium supplements. Even better, take a long, relaxing bath with magnesium salts and you’re certain to improve your cardiovascular health!

2. Omega-3S

No one likes fish oil, but the word among the scientific community is clear: omega-3s are one of the healthiest vitamins for your heart. Natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fish and flaxseed; however, you can also get supplements from any pharmacy. The most important quality of omega-3s is their anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammations can be very dangerous for your heart and can cause many other degenerative diseases as well.

Besides, a regular high intake of omega-3s can also help manage other conditions such as ADHD. A recent study showed that people at risk of heart disease who take omega-3s are almost 40% less likely to deteriorate in comparison to those who don’t. Don’t skip out on the fish oil (or the flaxseed oil) and save yourself from inflammation.

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3. Vitamin K2

We’ve all heard of vitamin K as the vitamin that encourages blood clotting. Perhaps you’ve also read that hemophiliacs have a dangerously low level of vitamin K. But not many know that blood clotting is a function of Vitamin K1, while Vitamin K2 regulates the spread of calcium in the body. Calcium build-up is one of the most common reasons for build-ups in the arteries.

This calcification is a very common reason for heart disease. It’s important to keep a good level of Vitamin K2 in your body; make sure to eat eggs, where you can find it naturally. Other natural foods that contain Vitamin K2 are organ meats – such as liver – but if you don’t consume these enough, you might have to take it as a supplement as well.

4. Coenzyme Q10

Also, simply known as CoQ10, this is one of the most common supplements that promote good cardiovascular health. In fact, studies show that survival rates after heart attacks jump a staggering 10 percent after treatment with CoQ10. This vitamin’s most important role is that it puts energy into the powerhouse of the cell – the mitochondria – and generates what’s known as ATP. ATP is the energy that the cells need to keep functioning.

There’s no good natural sources to get CoQ10 from, but the supplement pills are relatively inexpensive. What is more, they’re immensely useful if you want to take good care of your heart.

5. L-Carnitine

Very similarly to CoQ10, L-carnitine is one of the vitamins that heart attack patients are treated with in the immediate aftermath. Its function is to excel the transportation of important vitamins like omega-3s and K2 into the cells. In other words, all the other vitamins that you’re taking to improve your health will be benefitted by adding L-carnitine.

In addition, it also helps with tissue damage and with the consumption of fats. L-carnitine is very important, because without it the vitamins you take won’t reach their intended destination – the heart. Consider it the highway, which the other vitamins will take to help you get better.

Final Thoughts

Many products advertise themselves as being good for your heart, so don’t just trust anything. Natural products are always good, but some companies are out there just for profit. The five vitamins we listed are by far the best of the best to look out for. And remember, if you have an existing condition, always consult your doctor before starting a supplement.

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