5 Ways To Use Coffee For Skin Detoxing

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The holiday season always means dry and cold air is near. Holiday parties may add more sodium and alcohol to your diet than normal. With the addition of caffeine, you can expect to have very dry and dull skin.

From the inside out, caffeine acts as a diuretic for your skin. What happens when you use coffee grounds on the outside of your skin is a completely different story. These grounds are full of antioxidants. Here are some of the ways you can use coffee for the skin.

5 Ways To Use Coffee For Skin Detoxing

Exfoliating Body Scrub

This scrub will help get rid of dry dead skin cells and leave you with refreshed skin. For this scrub, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 1/2 cup of fresh ground java beans
  • 1/4 cup of organic coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup of palm sugar

If you are not excited by looking at these ingredients, you should be. When combined, these simple 3 ingredients will work wonders for your parched, lifeless skin. To create the skin scrub, simply combine all the ingredients. If your coconut oil is solid, heat it until it melts. Try not to get it too hot. If you do, be sure to let it cool before you mix your sugar in. If you mix these ingredients while the oil is hot, it will dissolve the sugar crystals.

You can store this scrub in any type of air-tight container. Use it in the bath or shower at any time.

Nourishing Foot Scrub

This scrub is extremely abrasive, so be sure you only use it on your feet. The skin on feet is generally thicker and can withstand a more abrasive scrub. If you use this on your face or body, you may risk having red skin that is very irritated.


  • 1/2 cup of sweet almond oil
  • 1/2 cup of fresh coffee grounds
  • 1 1/2 cup of raw cane sugar
  • Try adding an extract that will complement the smell of the coffee grounds such as vanilla, coffee or even a chocolate extract. This will boost the aroma of the scrub.

To make this scrub, you will want to mix your sugar and the grounds. Once you have these fully combined, you can add in any sort of extract you would like. When that is complete, slowly stir in your sweet almond oil. Sweet almond oil is wonderful for dry, chapped skin. It is also a natural disinfectant.

Store your scrub in an air-tight jar or another container. To use, simply scoop out a small bit and rub it in circular motions over your feet. Take care to not scrub too hard, especially on the tender part of your feet. When you are done, rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry. This will reserve the oil on your skin to let it do its magic. Put on a pair of fluffy socks, and you are good to go!

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Face Mask For Oily Skin


  • 1 tablespoon of instant plain espresso
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – enough to make a paste

In a small container, mix the espresso with tiny bits of the lemon juice until a paste-like consistency is formed. Apply this mixture to your face and neck. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Use once a week to control oily skin.

Formula For Smooth And Clear Skin


  • 1 tbsp of plain instant espresso powder
  • Raw unprocessed milk or plain yogurt

Just like the mask with lemon, mix the milk or yogurt with the instant powder and form a paste. Apply this to your face, leaving it to sit for 15-20 minutes. Dampen it and massage your face as you remove it. Rinse with warm water and pat to dry.

Vanilla Scented Body Soap


  • 1 pound goat’s milk soap base
  • 1/4 cup espresso grounds
  • 20 drops vanilla essence

To create this soap, melt the soap base in the microwave in 30-second bursts. Once it is completely melted, stir in the grounds and essence. Pour the mixture into any mold you’d like and allow it to sit and harden for an hour. These natural soaps are great for gifts or to keep them for yourself.

With some all-natural ingredients, you can make masks, soaps and scrubs using coffee. These will make your skin wonderfully soft and moisturized while cleaning toxins out of your pores.


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