7 Exercises To Reduce The Size of Your Belly

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Reducing the amount of fat in our bodies can always be a challenging goal and gaining fat can be very difficult to control. Even with a healthy diet, regular exercise is required to burn and eliminate fat. Visceral fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and several other health issues.

Do you want to stress less, sleep better, and feel abundantly happier… without drugs or anything crazy?

However, we recommend that you start doing the following seven exercises every morning and you will be amazed by the results:

Heavy Side Bend

In a standing position, with the hands up, holding a dumbbell, and bend on one of the sides. Hold for a few seconds, and repeat on the other side. Do 10 repetitions.

Forward Bend

Stand with the feet straight and together, bend down, and try to touch the feet with the hands. Hold for 1 minute. Repeat 10 times.

Mountain Climber

Start in a push-up position, and jump on each leg interchangeably, raising the knees near the chest.


Lay down with the arms extended behind the head, and the feet close together, with the feet pointing upward. Raise the legs while lifting the entire body off the floor in an attempt to reach for the toes. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position.


Lay down on the floor, the hands behind the head, and raise the legs in an angle of 90 degrees. Move them like riding a bike, rotating the entire body.

Plank Knee to Elbow

Lay down with the face towards the floor, the legs extended, in a plank position, with a tight core. Bring the left knee to the right elbow, hold, and return to the initial position. Do 10 repetitions on each side.


Start in a push-up position, with the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, and hold as much as possible.

Here are some additional tips to accelerate the fat loss in the belly area:

– Consume foods rich in soluble fiber

– Avoid alcohol

– Lower your stress levels

– Avoid the consumption of sugary foods

– Limit the intake of carbs, especially refined carbs

– Make sure you get plenty of restful sleep every night

– Take probiotic supplements or consume foods that contain probiotics

– Increase the intake of fatty fish

– Avoid foods that contain trans fat

– Use apple cider vinegar

– Make sure your diet is rich in protein

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– Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages

– Avoid fruit juice

– Drink green tea during the day

– Use coconut oil instead of cooking fats

– Try Resistance Training (Lift Weights)


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