Activated Charcoal Can Be Used To Detoxify Years Of Toxins, Poisons And Mold Buildup In Your Body

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Activated charcoal is a powerful and versatile natural treatment that can trap toxins and chemicals in the body and help their elimination.

Its most popular use is as a natural remedy for poisoning and drug overdoses. Yet, it is also helpful in the case of high cholesterol, bloating and gas, hangovers, bile flow issues during pregnancy, etc.

If you wonder about the difference between charcoal and activated charcoal, you should know that the first one is a porous black solid form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air. It is used for barbecue, air purification, in vacuum cleaners, in water treatment systems, and in sewage treatment. On the other hand, activated charcoal has oxygen added to it to boost its porosity, and it increases its surface area which is better for binding toxins.

The millions of tiny pores of activated charcoal trap chemicals and toxins, but do not absorb them.

Instead, it works through the chemical process of adsorption, where elements bind to a surface. Its porous surface has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gas to bind with it.

When taking it internally, make sure you drink plenty of water, about 12-16 glasses daily, since it can cause dehydration, and it needs to water to quickly flush out the toxins.

Here are 10 of the numerous uses of activated charcoal:    

Gas and Bloating

It effectively treats gas and bloating by binding the gas-causing byproducts in foods that cause discomfort. To prevent these issues, you should take 500 milligrams an hour before a typical gas-producing meal, with a full glass of water.

Digestive Cleanse

Activated charcoal detoxifies the body and supports a healthy digestive tract. In this way, it also prevents allergic reactions, oxidative damage, and poor immune system function, and boosts energy levels, mental function, and alleviates joint pain. Take 10 grams 90 minutes prior to each meal, for two days to complete a digestive cleanse with it. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

Alcohol Poisoning And Hangovers

It eliminates toxins that contribute to alcohol poisoning and relieves the symptoms of hangovers.

Skin And Body Health

Activated charcoal can also be used topically, and is effective in fighting body odor, acne, snake bites, rashes, and discomfort due to insect bites. To soothe a mosquito bite or bee sting, mix one capsule of activated charcoal with ½ tablespoon of coconut oil, and dab on affected area.

For bites from snakes and spiders, dab the mixture of coconut oil and activated charcoal on a piece of fabric, and wrap it around the affected area. Reapply every two to three hours, rinsing well between applications.

To treat acne and spots, mix one capsule of activated charcoal with 2 teaspoons of aloe Vera gel, and apply the mixture on the face. Rinse it off when it dries.


Activated charcoal prevents cellular damage to kidneys and liver, ensures healthy adrenal glands, cleanses the body of toxins, and thus prevents premature aging. Take 2 capsules daily after being exposed to, heavy metals or toxins, or after the consumption of inorganic foods.

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High Cholesterol

Researchers have shown that activated charcoal lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol as effectively as prescription medications. Yet, note that you should not take it within 90 minutes to two hours of taking any prescription medication or supplement.

Teeth Whitening

Activated charcoal whitens teeth while improving oral health by changing the pH balance in the mouth, treating gum diseases, fighting bad breath, and helping prevent cavities. Just wet the toothbrush and dip it into the powdered activated charcoal, and brush the teeth as usual. Rinse well.

Emergency Toxin Removal

It can be used in the case of an accidental, or purposeful, an overdose of many pharmaceutical drugs and over-the-counter medications, including aspirin, opium, cocaine, morphine, and acetaminophen.

Yet, note that is should be taken within an hour of ingestion. It is also useful in the case of food poisoning when nausea and diarrhea are present. Adults should take 25 grams at the onset of symptoms or when food poisoning is suspected, and children should be given 10 grams.

Mold Cleansing

Toxic mold is a serious issue in the home and can lead to kidney and liver failure, poor brain function, heart disease, eye irritation, depression, headaches, vomiting, impaired immune system function, and severe respiratory distress.

Water Filtration

It traps impurities in water such as solvents, pesticides, industrial waste, and other chemicals. Some studies even suggest that it can also eliminate some fluoride from the water. You can purchase activated charcoal water filters for whole-home systems, or some countertop model, and drink 8-10 glasses of pure water daily to keep the body properly hydrated.

Therefore, you will benefit a lot from having activated charcoal in your first aid kit, both, at home and at work.

Note that you might need to consult your doctor before using it if you suffer from medical conditions like intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, slow digestion, or a recent abdominal surgery,  or if you are taking any prescription medications, as it can have potential adverse interactions with Naltrexone, Oxycodone, Mycophenolic Acid, Oxymorphone, Tricyclic antidepressants, Theophylline, Suvorexant Acrivastine, Bupropion, Carbinoxamine, Morphine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Methadone, Morphine Sulfate Liposome, Meclizine, Mycophenolate Mofetil, Tapentadol, Umeclidinium,  and Acetaminophen.

Additionally, its use can cause constipation, black stools, and black tongue in some people, but these issues should not worry you.

When you use it for natural healing, make sure you always choose charcoal made from natural sources, such as coconut shells or identified wood species with ultra-fine grains.

  • Activated charcoal powder form is best for facial masks, toothpaste, smoothies for fast cleansing, and for your pets
  • You can use activated charcoal in capsules or tablets for internal cleansing, or use the powder from capsules for teeth-whitening, skin breakouts or insect bites
  • Activated charcoal soap relieves skin breakouts in cases of psoriasis, eczema, and acne
  • Activated charcoal toothpaste is a potent teeth-whitening agent
  • An activated charcoal mask is used to clear the pores, shrink them, remove dead skin cells, and eliminate acne, spots, and blackheads
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Remember, activated charcoal is not meant for long-term use. You should take it at least two hours away from your medicines or supplements, or immediately after you have ingested toxins.

You should drink plenty of water to prevent constipation, and follow the directions on the packaging on the recommended daily dosage.

Now, here are some delicious activated charcoal detox  recipes you should definitely try soon:

Activated Charcoal Detox Drink


  • 1 cup pure aloe water or juice with no added sugar or preservatives
  • 2 capsules activated coconut charcoal
  • 1 cup lemon water, or filtered water with lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional)


Pour the liquid ingredients into a blender, open the charcoal capsules, and add the powder into the liquid. Discard the capsule portion. Then, add the ground turmeric, and blend the mixture until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add ice and serve.

Collagen Charcoal Beauty Elixir


  • Powder from 1 Coconut Charcoal Capsule
  • 1 scoop collagen protein
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tsp dried lavender
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp raw honey or sweetener of choice


Add lavender to boiled water and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Then, strain the tea using a metal mesh strainer to remove the lavender. Open the charcoal capsule, pour the powder in a mug, and add the lemon juice. Then, pour the lavender tea over, add collagen while stirring, and then, add honey or any other sweetener you chose to use. Mix once more.

Dairy-Free Coconut Ice Cream with Activated Charcoal


  • 3 tbsp activated charcoal
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 14 oz can full-fat coconut cream (chilled in the freezer for 15 min)
  • 1 1/2 cups soaked cashews (soaked in water overnight)
  • 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch sea salt


Drain the soaked cashews, and add them in the blender, together with the coconut milk, charcoal powder, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla, and sea salt, Blend on high speed until you get a creamy and smooth mixture. Transfer it to a parchment-lined freezer-safe container, smooth the top and cover it with plastic wrap. Freeze the ice cream for at least 4 hours or until it is firm. Before scooping it, thaw for 10 minutes.

Keto Activated Charcoal Smoothie


  • 2 scoops collagen peptides
  • 1 tablespoon Brain Octane Oil
  • 2 capsules activated coconut charcoal, broken, with casing discarded
  • 1 cup cauliflower, steamed, then frozen
  • 1 cup water, or any flavored water
  • 1 teaspoon xylitol or stevia


In a high-powered blender, add all the ingredients, except collagen, and blend until you get a homogenous mixture. Then, add collagen and blend again on low speed. Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve.



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