5 Reasons A Gemini Is The Best Partner to Be With

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If you’re an astrology lover, you may believe in dating according to your star sign. Although not always 100% accurate, it’s a good way to find someone who is compatible with you. And who knows – maybe a Gemini will be your best match!

Born between the third weeks of May and June, Geminis are a fascinating bunch of people – but many find them intimidating to date. But if you let them in and give them a chance, you’ll find that they make for incredible and fulfilling relationships.

Here Are 5 Reasons A Gemini Is The Best Partner To Be With

1.    They Are Extremely Charming

Geminis have excellent people skills, even if they’re introverts. This means that they can be quite charming, making it easy to like them and easier to fall in love with them. They can be hopeless romantics or casanovas, but, either way, dating them means your romance will stay ignited. Here’s how Geminis show their charming nature:

·         They’Re Smooth Talkers

Geminis can be very persuasive. They’re good at speaking to others and tend to be quite eloquent, allowing them to talk their way in or out of situations. This means they’re great to have by your side when you’re dealing with difficult people.

This has the unintended but welcome side effect of easing communication between you and them. They know how to say what they want to say without potentially offending or hurting you, allowing you to have more productive discussions – a crucial trait in the best partner you can find!

·         They Love To Flirt

Geminis love to flirt. It’s hard for them to lose their passion and spark for life, love, and people, so they can’t help it. They’ll keep your romance alive with regular whispers and pick-up lines years into your relationship.

Does this mean Geminis are more likely to cheat? No, of course not! It means that they enjoy the act of flirting but do so very casually. They are extremely loyal to the person they truly love, and they know how to inject their charisma into their relationship.

·         They’Re Good At Reading Others

Geminis are able to tell, quickly, when someone is uncomfortable. They can read a person quickly and respond to them appropriately. This means they can understand you more easily and know what makes you tick. They know exactly how to win you over, so you’ll love them more and more every day!

·         They Keep Up Charming Appearances

Geminis tend to be classy. They keep themselves well-groomed and well-dressed. They like to take care of themselves. On top of that, they tend to have great manners, making them a joy to be around and great to bring with you to more serious occasions.

2.    They’Re Very Intelligent

Some people believe that intelligence can hinder a relationship and that those with exceptional intellects will have difficulty connecting to romantic partners. This is simply not true at all. Studies have shown that intelligence has no difference in attachment styles in relationships, whether positive or negative!

But if that’s the case, then how can the intelligence of Geminis make them the best partner for you? Well, let’s face it: intelligence is attractive, and it makes for more mature partners who are capable of responsibly being a part of a long-term, committed relationship. Here are some areas where their intelligence shines through:

·         They Think Fast

Geminis are great at thinking on their feet. They process information quickly. This can mean that it can be tough for them to make up their mind on something, but for the most part, this is a benefit for them.

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·         They Are Curious

Geminis genuinely want to learn more about the world – and about you! They will ask you questions, be interested in your field of work, and enjoy listening to you. Just make sure you do the same for them!

·         They Are Observant

Geminis notice most things. They’ll see that you bought a new outfit or changed your hair. Even in the mundane day to day life, they’ll realize that there’s a chore that needs doing. Plus, they’ll pay attention to tiny details that seem trivial, but matter to your relationship.

·         They Learn A Lot, Quickly

Every relationship involves a learning process where you get to know your partner and figure out their likes, dislikes, quirks, and more. Geminis will pick up especially fast, due in part to their enthusiastic curiosity.

·         They Have A Great Sense Of Humor

Intelligence is often linked to better humor, and humor is linked not just to more positive thinking, but better romantic relationships. It’s hard not to love someone who can always make you laugh with sarcastic but good-natured jokes and banter!

·         They Can Detect Lies

A Gemini can easily tell if someone is lying to them. They won’t stand for poor treatment, and they will also notice if something is wrong. This means they may detect some of your moods before even you do!

3.    They Are Adventurous

Adventure is often important for helping to keep relationships fresh. If you and your partner fall into a monotonous routine, the boring pattern can slowly smother out any spark or flame. A Gemini has a sense of adventure that makes them the best partner, even in the long run! Here’s how:

·         They Are Restless

Geminis can’t sit still for extended periods of time. You’ll never feel like your relationship is boring. They’ll find a way to make it fun, and you’ll be taken along for the ride!

·         They Are Full Of Surprises

A Gemini will always find new ways to surprise you, often effortlessly, just by being themselves. You’ll fall in love with them all over again every other day, just by watching how they take you by surprise!

·         They Can Be Weird

Geminis can be pretty wild, meaning that they have weird traits. They’re also much less likely to judge you for your own weirdness. And besides, what’s the best partner other than someone you can be weird with?

·         They Always Look For New Things

A Gemini will be the first to suggest that you try something new, whether by taking a class, going somewhere you’ve never been, or even in the bedroom. This keeps your relationship positive and fresh as the years go by!

·         They Are Vibrant

You can’t easily overlook the personality of a Gemini. They’re bright and vibrant, bringing excitement to any room and helping to brighten your day.

·         They Are Not Easy To Pin Down

Because of how restless Geminis are, it’s hard for them to settle down in a relationship. This means that if you’re dating them and they’re sticking around, they really, really like you and you’ve won their loyalty.

4.    They Have Great Self-Esteem

Geminis are confident individuals. They love themselves and have a high sense of self-esteem. As such, they respect themselves and are kind to themselves, and they do not need to lean on you or anyone else for affirmation and validation. (But, as a partner, you should give them some anyway!)

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This also extends to other people. Geminis do not judge by appearances. They go against society’s expectations and therefore believe that the most important things lie within. They pay attention to what lies within the hearts of people, allowing them to choose good friends easily.

You may not know what this has to do with you, but it’s all to do with maintaining a positive relationship. Having strong self-esteem can play a huge role in a happy, responsible, and mature partnership.

To be more specific, the best partner to be with is one who is secure in themselves. This is not to say they can’t have issues to work on, but that they should be secure enough that this does not lead to issues that mess up your relationship and hurt both of you. Some of these issues may be:

  • Envy
  • Suspicion
  • Jealousy
  • Resentment
  • Guilt
  • Control

These types of issues can be difficult to deal with in a relationship, and they can completely destroy even the most dedicated of romances.

5.    They Are Independent

Independence is an underrated quality in the best partner you can have. It means that they are self-sufficient and are their own unique personality. This is an extremely attractive trait, and it makes them great people to be involved with. You’ll never lose sight of what you love about them! Here’s how their independence shines:

·         They Are Adaptable

Geminis are experts at dealing with change. As soon as they need to change to go along with a new situation, they’re on top of it. Change is scary for many people, but even if they’re anxious or frightened, a Gemini will power through with positive thinking.

·         They Rely On Themselves

It’s normal for couples to rely on each other, and that’s not a bad thing. But Geminis know that they cannot always do so. As such, they are totally self-sufficient and you will never fall into the bad situation of being needed when you’re not available.

·         They Don’T Need Attention Constantly

Being a little clingy can be enjoyable sometimes, but not always. Geminis don’t need you to constantly shower them with affection. You are both free to spend your me-time separately and reunite to hang out later, whenever you want.

·         They Create Their Own Path In Life

Geminis are not bothered by what other people want them to do. They are dedicated to their own happiness and life, allowing them to chase after their goals and dreams. In a relationship, they will let nothing stand in the way of being with the person they love.

·         They Are A Unique Person

Often, couples fall into the negative habit of becoming too attached to one another, causing them to lose their sense of individuality. Not only is this unhealthy, but it also tends to point to a relationship that won’t last. A Gemini knows who they are and their personalities will not disappear into the partnership.

Final Thoughts On Some Reasons A Gemini Is The Best Partner To Be With

Geminis get a bit of a bad reputation for their restlessness, unpredictable personalities, and blunt honesty. But these traits don’t make them bad people, and they definitely don’t make them bad romantic interests! They mean that they are independent, adaptable, fun-loving, and confident – everything you’d want in the best partner. Appreciate the Gemini in your life!


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