6 Cancer Causers at Home You Should Throw Away Immediately

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A home is a place where people are safe and feel comfortable or as the old saying goes a man’s home is his castle. However, it’s been a long time since this saying emerged and it seems that modern homes are not that safe.

If you do some research, you will find out that there are many articles dedicated to nitrobenzene, formaldehyde and methylene chloride. These carcinogens can be located in items that we use on a daily basis like shampoos, perfumes, dyes, rubber, and plastic.

Spend a few minutes and check the items that seem totally harmless, but have the ability to cause many health problems. After that, eliminate all cancer causers from your home and create a healthy and safe environment for your family.

1. Deodorants and Antiperspirants

The vast majority of popular antiperspirants and deodorants have a few ingredients that were linked to serious health problems.

These products are designed in a way which lets them remain on the body for a long period of time, which means that the body might absorb some of these chemicals.

Of course, staying away from deodorants is not an option, but you can try using natural antiperspirants and deodorants.

2. Air fresheners

The majority of air fresheners contain carcinogens, harmful organic compounds and even toxins like phthalate esters.

A study conducted by NRDC (Natural Resource Defense Council) which involved 13 popular household air fresheners has confirmed that these products come with chemicals that have the ability to trigger or worsen asthma and disrupt the reproductive progress.

In addition, a study conducted by Anne Steinmann who works at the University of Washington has shown that all air-fresheners that were part of the study contain chemicals classified as hazardous/toxic under the law.

What is interesting is that none of these substances were part of the product labels. Instead of using commercial air fresheners, stick to natural scent produced by essential oils.

3. Candles

A recent study performed by the US CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), more than 40% of candles sold on the market today include lead wires found in the wicks. Aromatized candles are the ones that have lead wicks in most cases. The reason why they contain lead is because fragrance oils tend to make the wax very soft.

Candles that have wicks with lead release 500% more lead than the amount considered dangerous for children and surpass the pollution standards for outdoor air set by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Being exposed to excessive amounts of lead may lead to behavioral problems, hormone imbalance, learning difficulties and other serious problems.

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In case you want to create a good atmosphere in your home and you want to keep your health safe at the same moment, use beeswax candles that include cotton wicks. You can even learn how to make your own beeswax candles.

4. Art supplies

There are some supplies used in art projects like acrylic paints and solvents, Epoxy, permanent markers, rubber cement glues and few other that include chemicals related to organ damage, allergies, and even cancer. Needless to say, the youngsters are the ones that are especially affected by these toxins since they have higher metabolism and not very strong immune systems. This is why you need to be careful when they use art supplies.

You can easily find a green and non-toxic replacement for each of these art supplies and even make them on your own.

5. Shampoos

Although most of us think that shampoos are perfectly safe, the fact is that they contain a number of toxic ingredients. The truth is that the effects that shampoos cause are not yet determined and scientists can’t agree whether they can lead to cancer or not.

Of course, if you want to stay safe, you can use a huge number of homemade shampoos and you can use Etsy to find the best ones.

6. Shower curtains

The toxic chemicals found in plastic shower curtains spread in the bath and shower, but what is even worse they spread into the environment too. They emit dangerous chemicals known as VOCs or volatile organic chemicals.

You should try to reduce the contact with any product that contains VOCs.

10 Common Toxins to Avoid and Replace at Home (VIDEO)

This is a video clip created by Dr. Danial Pompa. It presents ten common toxins that are unfriendly to humans, animals and our planet.

Via Eat Local Grown

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