Drink This Tasty Mix to Shrink Your Belly in a Week

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Belly fat is the hardest thing to get rid of. It is by far the most stubborn part of our body that just won’t give in, even after so much effort.

Everyone’s body is different. Whether you choose to follow a strict diet or do some exercises, it is important to always consult with your doctor. He/she will guide you through the process and can give you many advices based on your health.

As experts claim, belly fat is the hardest thing to remove. This visceral fat stacks around your organs and can cause many health issues like high blood pressure, insulin, cholesterol. Therefore, people need to be careful and protect their bodies from the more dangerous diseases that can follow.

This visceral fat stacks around your organs and can cause many health issues like high blood pressure, insulin, cholesterol. Therefore, people need to be careful and protect their bodies from the more dangerous diseases that can follow.

Furthermore, there are two types of body fat, the one from overeating and sweets, and the other one from junk food.  In addition, these types can cause various problems for the lungs, liver, and heart. Experts believe that the more belly fat you have, the slower your metabolism becomes.

In the end, your hormone levels can change and affect the internal organs. Luckily, there is a way to get rid of the belly fat. But, it all depends on your metabolism. Here is one of the simplest and effective natural remedy to help you get a flat belly.

Fat Burning Detox Recipe

To avoid all those diseases, you should focus on detoxifying your body. Here is a recipe that might help you achieve your goal.

  • tablespoon of Aloe Vera juice (fresh)
  • a sliced cucumber
  • parsley or cilantro
  • sliced lemon
  • half a glass of water
  • tablespoon of grated ginger (fresh)

Put all the ingredients in a bowl or a jar and mix them together. Store it in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning your drink will be ready. So, drink it every morning before eating breakfast and wait for the amazing results.

Why Choose These Ingredients?

Cucumber can be an excellent remedy for detoxifying your body. The ginger is great for boosting the metabolism because it is almost free of calories. Moreover, it is useful for relieving constipation, which can be a great benefit for losing weight.

Lemons, on the other hand, are great natural antioxidants that can improve digestion, immune system, and provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C. In the end, lemon juice can protect the kidneys and liver.

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What do you think? Have you tried this recipe before? Make sure to leave us a comment and share this post with family and friends.

Source: Times Now | Calorie Bee | Health

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