E-Cigarettes Can Increase the Chance of Stroke and High Blood Pressure

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E-cigarettes are now more popular than ever. People believe that they are not dangerous to smoke because they don’t contain tar and carbon monoxide. But, could they affect the heart?

Even though e-cigarettes don’t have the same dangerous qualities as traditional cigarettes do, they can still be dangerous for the heart. They even seem to pose the same risk. According to the latest research, these cigarettes can even increase the risk of heart strokes and attacks.

According to a study from Sweden, these devices contain nicotine and can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and stiffness in the arteries. Plus, these effects can even occur half an hour after use. However, it is not the same for cigarettes that don’t contain any nicotine.

To conclude these results, 15 healthy participants volunteered to try e-cigarettes for the first time. They used these devices for 30 minutes per day with nicotine and the other day without nicotine. In the end, their blood pressure, stiffness in the arteries and heart rate immediately increased.

E-Cigarettes Affect the Heart

According to Professor Elliott Antman, MD, at Harvard Medical School in Boston, e-cigarettes are a direct supply of nicotine for the body. As a result, it can increase blood pressure and heart rate. This is the reason why this device is so dangerous for the heart.

Furthermore, it can block the coronary artery and cause congestive heart failure. Therefore, these devices can’t help a person stop smoking. Instead, they will provoke him to smoke even more. This is not something you want to be exposed to, says Dr. Antman.

Dangerous Chemicals

There are hundreds of brands at your disposals if you want to purchase an e-cigarette. With all the multiple flavors and design, you can definitely find the one that suits you the most.

This may have its good and bad sides. With all the different flavors, you can’t know what you are inhaling into your lungs. Therefore, experts believe that this is a concerning issue that people should consider.

The chemicals that these devices contain are not regulated or controlled by the FDA. This makes them very dangerous to consume. For example, there is a certain chemical that we know it is there.

This ingredient is propylene glycol. It is a very dangerous substance which can break down to a toxin and cause problems for the liver. So, if you want to stop taking the e-cigarettes, try participating in health groups.

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Vaping an e-cigarette has almost the same effect as smoking typical cigarettes. Therefore, if you want a healthy life, you should focus on quitting this habit.

Source: Daily Mail | UCSF | Everyday Health | Sky News

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