10 Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

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At the beginning of the New Year, you probably set weight loss goals for the months ahead. As you start out, you are feeling good and the weight is just falling off of your body.

About 6 months into the year, however, you start to notice the pounds are harder and harder to lose and you aren’t seeing any results. The reason for your lack of weight loss is probably due to the fact that it takes more than a healthy, balanced diet and exercise to stay in shape – a fact that many people don’t want to admit. Most people take this time to completely give up on their goals.

You have to constantly train your mind to not want the unhealthy food. Sadly, there isn’t a magic potion to help you do this. There are, however, several essential oils that will help keep your mind focused on the goal and help you to keep the weight off. If you are looking for ways to burn off fat cells while uplifting your mood, try using essential oils in your quest to be healthier!

Aromatherapy has been proven to stimulate specific parts of the brain that help your physical and mental well-being. Diffusing oils won’t make the weight shed off in and of itself, but it will help keep your mind focused on the task at hand and help you find the inner strength to keep working towards your goals.

Top 10 Essential Oils For Weight Loss

1. Grapefruit Oil
Grapefruit oil is known for reducing your metabolism, helping with water retention, reducing bloating as well as an appetite suppressant. The oil is taken directly from the rind on the fruit. With the added nutrients and benefits, you will have a high chance of losing weight quickly. To use the oil, you can drink it straight up – just add 1 or 2 drops into a glass of water.

This will help detox your body and improve your metabolism throughout the day. Having some grapefruit oil after you eat a meal will help with digestion and help prevent bloating.

2. Cinnamon Oil
Cinnamon is often used for diabetic patients because of the healing and other medical benefits it provides. It has been proven that cinnamon will help reduce your blood glucose levels as well as maintain your cholesterol. Next time you are drinking a cup of hot tea, add a few drops of cinnamon oil to experience these positive side effects. If you are feeling a craving come on, simply take the bottle and inhale it to help the keep your cravings at bay.

3. Ginger Oil
If you are looking for an oil to help keep your digestive system healthy, then ginger oil is for you! Gingerols is a natural nutrient found in ginger and it helps to reduce the amount of inflammation in the digestive system. Ginger also helps your body to absorb needed vitamins and minerals.

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The best ways to add ginger oil to your diet is to either drink 1-2 drops in your morning glass of water (try adding a squeeze of fresh lemon or honey for added flavor) or inhale it directly from the bottle.

4. Peppermint Oil
For relaxing the muscles in your stomach and reducing bloating, try adding 1-2 drops to water. You must make sure it is 100% oil and free from all added toxins or other additives. If you prefer to just sniff your oil, put it on a cotton ball and smell it from there. Diffusing peppermint oil in your house is also a great way to help keep your cravings down and your energy up for your workout.

5. Lemon Oil
Lemon is a natural way to get rid of fat by eliminating toxins in the body and improving your digestive system altogether. In the mornings, add 1-2 drops to your water for detoxification throughout the day. Massaging the oil directly into your skin in the areas where you have cellulite is also a great way to get rid of the toxins in the fat cells.

6. Bergamot Oil
When you are eating due to your emotions, bergamot is a great oil to use to help you through the craving and achieve weight loss. The suggested way to use this oil is by smelling a cotton ball with it or to put a few drops in your shower (be sure to cover the drain so it doesn’t just wash down).

7. Sandalwood Oil
Sandalwood oil helps to keep your mind and body calm in times of emotional eating or cravings. When you mentally feel better, you will be less likely to eat to fill a void in your life. Instead, you will be motivated to exercise and lose weight. You can rub this oil directly on your wrists and ankles to help prevent cravings and feel better instantly throughout the day.

8. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is a popular go-to oil for relaxation and calming, so if you are stressed this is a great option to keep you from emotionally eating your feelings. Diffuse this oil in your home for lasting effects.

9. Fennel Oil
Adding 1-2 drops of fennel oil to a glass of water before you sit down for a meal will help you from eating too much at a time. This oil is also safe to dab on your wrists for instant results.

10.Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is a minty and refreshing smell that will help keep your stress and anxiety at bay – the two top causes of weight gain. Adding a few drops to your shower will instantly relax you and help you feel better able to conquer the day.

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Essential oils for weight loss are a great way to naturally help you lose weight as they are all geared towards helping you mentally on your weight loss journey. While weight loss, diet, and exercise are all crucial elements in losing weight, your mental state is just as important to keep you working hard and motivated.


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