The Best 8 Foods That Can Naturally Reduce Blood Pressure

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When the heart pumps blood, the high blood pressure causes a huge amount of pressure of blood against the walls of the arteries.

As a result, it affects the condition of the heart. After some time, high blood pressure damages the blood vessels and causes kidney disease, stroke, heart disease and other problems. In the US every person in three adults has high blood pressure.

In addition, they have a blood pressure level of 140/90 mmHg or more. This is the reason behind the increased chance of multiple health problems that high blood pressure can cause. So, if you suffer from high blood pressure you should focus on maintaining a healthy diet.

DASH: Lower Blood Pressure

The National Institutes of Health created a new eating plan called DASH. This new eating plan may prove ideal for lowering the blood pressure. In addition, it inspires people to eat foods that are rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium but are low in sodium.

The reason for this is that the sodium raises the blood pressure, while the potassium neutralizes its effect. Also, both calcium and magnesium are useful for lowering the blood pressure.

Besides, these foods are natural antioxidants. So, if you want this diet to work, you need to cut down the intake of sodium and sugar.

Natural Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure

Here is a list of some of the foods that the DASH diet recommends. Plus, they can lower blood pressure and might even help with losing weight.

1. Pomegranate

This delicious fruit has amazing medicinal properties. Only 2 oz might be enough to reduce your blood pressure by 21% in just a year. According to a study in Phytotherapy Research, the effects of pomegranate might be beneficial for people with high blood sugar.

Only a glass of 150 ml per day can reduce the blood pressure. Plus, pomegranate has bioactive polyphenols and is a great antioxidant. Therefore, it might be useful for the overall health as well.

According to another study, patients who had atherosclerosis consumed only 2 oz pomegranate juice per day and were able to reduce their blood pressure by 21% after one year.

Furthermore, the carotid artery reduced its thickness as well by up to 30%. So, you have to consider these results and try this fruit yourself.

2. Garlic

Garlic can reduce the blood pressure by narrowing down the blood vessels. It can inhabit the most important hormone and dilate the blood cells. As a result, it constricts the vessels and reduces the blood pressure.

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That is why you need to eat some garlic. Try chopping or crushing it and use it in your meals.

3. Oats

If your blood pressure is getting more critical, you should try to consume more oats to keep it in check. Make sure to add them to your regular diet and consume them on a daily basis. Plus, they are rich with soluble fibers and can lower the blood pressure.

Furthermore, they are even useful for reducing the level of bad cholesterol and strengthening your heart.

4. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), lignans, and soluble fibers. This makes them a valuable food for reducing blood pressure. Besides, they are plant estrogens that have significant antioxidant properties.

Furthermore, only a tablespoon of whole seeds can give you 10% of the necessary magnesium requirements and 2% of both potassium and calcium.

Because your body needs these nutrients, you should try adding flaxseeds to your dishes more often. Plus, the amount of sodium that they contain makes them a great food for lowering blood pressure.

5. Dark Chocolate

The constant attack of reactive free radicals damages your cells. They collect the plaque in the arteries which can cause atherosclerosis. In the end, this can lead to an increased blood pressure.

This is where dark chocolate comes in. It can help create more nitric oxide which can dilate the blood in the vessels and lower blood pressure. Moreover, dark chocolate has anti-inflammatory properties and is a strong antioxidant.

According to a study issued in the Journal of Nutrition, if you consume 100 gm dark chocolate rich with flavonol, you can reduce your blood pressure in just 15 days. Also, it can improve glucose sensitivity in people with glucose intolerance.

6. Beetroot

If you want to keep your blood pressure in check, try drinking some beetroot juice. According to a study, If you add it to your daily diet, you can significantly decrease your blood pressure by consuming 500 ml of this juice.

In addition, beetroot contains nitric oxide, a natural chemical that lowers the blood pressure and dilates blood vessels.

7. Blueberries

This tasty fruit is a great antioxidant that can improve the overall health. Plus, they contain anthocyanins that give them their color, which in turn is useful for reducing stiffness in the arteries and blood pressure.

Furthermore, they emit nitric oxide, according to the latest research. Women who participated in this research consumed 22g of blueberry powder for 8 weeks. As a result, their systolic blood pressure reduced by 5.1% along with their diastolic blood pressure by 6.3%.

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In the end, the arteries reduced their stiffness.

8. Watermelon

This tasty and juicy fruit is full of amino acids which can boost the nitric oxide production. As a result, your blood vessels become wider and your blood pressure reduces. Only 2 g watermelon twice a day for six weeks can help balance your systolic blood pressure.

As study claims, participants who ate 2 g watermelon twice a day for six weeks had reduced their aortic systolic blood pressure ( the blood pressure in the heart). Plus, all the participants in the study already had increased blood pressure.

Therefore, these results might prove useful for managing the blood pressure and lowering the stiffness in the arteries.

DASH Diet: What Should You Eat

  • Eat more low-fat dairy and nuts.
  • 4-5 servings of veggies and fruits per day. Make sure you consume different varieties to get the necessary nutrients.
  • Consume whole grains, poultry, and fish.

Do Not Eat

  • foods that contain an excessive amount of cholesterol, saturated fat, and total fat
  • too much sugar
  • a lot of salt (you will only need less than a teaspoon). But don’t worry, you don’t have to avoid eating foods that contain salt, just don’t add more salt to your meals.

Source: CureJoy | HealthLineHeart Foundation

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