17 Foods That Can Help Low Vitamin C

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Are you eating enough foods with Vitamin C?

Natural sources of vitamin C comprise of both L-ascorbic acid, and ascorbate minerals such as potassium, calcium and the soluble fat of vitamin C known as ascorbic palmitate. The significant difference between the natural form of vitamin C from the synthetic form is the molecular form.

Despite education and awareness of the significance of vitamin C in the body, there remains a population of people that are still deficient of this vitamin. Various pieces of evidence mount that vitamin C is an essential nutrient to the body.

By including the following foods into your diet, your health will significantly improve as well as your energy levels. It is worth noting that fruits are rich in high sugar so you may choose to minimize sugar on other foods when you increase fruit intake.

Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Although vitamin C is readily available through eating the right foods, severe vitamin C deficiency may be easily noticeable. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Severe irritability
  • Noticeable weight loss
  • Weakening muscles
  • Pain or aches in the joints.
  • When vitamin C levels are low, a rough bumpy skin condition known as a keratosis pilaris can develop.
  • Vitamin C deficiency also causes hair to grow in coiled shapes or bend because of defective development in the structure of hair growth.

Importance Of Eating Foods With Vitamin C

So why is Vitamin C a crucial nutrient in the body? What benefits does it add to the collection? Vitamin C is essential in the body as it prevents deformities and abnormal growth of a person.

  • Vitamin C helps in the prevention of joint pain
  • This essential vitamin protects the body cells from any damage caused by free radicals, which cause changes in the DNA, leading to illnesses such as cancer.
  • Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant.
  • It gives a person healthy bones
  • Prevents Scurvy
  • Helps in healing the digestive tract tissues.
  • Vitamin C is an essential part of the immune system, as it defends the body against pathogens, bacteria, and viruses.

Effects Of Lack Of Vitamin C

A deficiency in Vitamin C leads to side effects in the immune system among other illnesses such as

  1. Scurvy
  2. Joint pains
  3. Unending bleeding gums
  4. Frequent fatigue
  5. Increase in high chances of acquiring depression
  6. The prolonged healing time of wounds
  7. Loss of teeth

17 Foods Rich In Vitamin C

If you are wondering which types of foods are rich in Vitamin C, then the list below contains delicious foods that you can use to boost the levels of Vitamin C in your body.

1 – Guavas

The guava fruit should be a better-known fruit since it contains 228 mg of vitamin C per 100g. It is rich in antioxidants and lycopene that help in protecting the heart. The lycopene helps in having a flawless clear and healthy skin. Moreover, they have low calories and fats.

2 – Hot Chili Peppers (Green)

Green hot Chili Peppers are usually consumed in small quantities. A 100g of hot chili pepper consists of 242mg vitamin C. the green pepper contains a high amount of vitamin C and other beneficial phytonutrients.

3 – Acerola Cherry

These delicious tropical berries contain a massive amount of Vitamin C- 1677mg. It is rare to find fresh cherries, but you can find them in their powdered form. The advantage of the powder form is that it contains more concentrated vitamin C among other nutrients. For instance, if you are having a protein smoothie, you can add this cherry powder for a healthier drink.

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4 – Camu Camu

This fruit is among the world’s most significant source of vitamin C. Averagely, Camu Camu contains 2145mg of Vitamin C per 100g. It is available in powder form which could be added to a drink, to experience a delicious drink with a vitamin C mega-hit.

5 – Sweet Red Peppers

These red sweet peppers contain 127 mg of vitamin C in 100g. To experience a delicacy meal filled with red peppers, always include them in your salads.

6 – Parsley

Some might argue this one is more “herbs” than “foods.” Nevertheless, at 133 mg of vitamin C per 100g of parsley, you get to consume a mega Vitamin C nutrient. For additional flavors, add them to the main dish or add in the salads.

7 – Black Currants

The black currants fruity berries contain 181mg of Vitamin C. you can blend them and use them as a juice or eat them as they are.

8 – Brussel Sprouts (Raw)

It is widespread to cook the Brussel sprouts. But do you know that each time you cook them you are killing the vitamin C which is crucial in your diet? To preserve the 85 mg per 100g undamaged, add raw chopped Brussels to a green smoothie or a salad and experience an incomparable feeling.

9 – Dill Weed (Fresh)

Fresh Dill weed is a relative of celery. It contains the anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as an 85 mg per 100g of Vitamin C. while preparing your burger sauce, add the dill weed and enjoy a healthy burger.

10 – Cauliflower (Raw)

At all cost, avoid cooking the cauliflower. A fresh cauliflower contains a great pack of Vitamin C of 88mg per 100mg.

11 – Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit is delicious on a snack plate or in a vibrant salad. Green kiwi fruit contains 92 mg of vitamin C per 100g of nuts.

12 – Broccoli (Raw)

Just like cauliflower, broccoli should be eaten in its natural form as 93mg of vitamin C is found in 100g of broccoli. Majority of bodybuilders survive on broccoli and chicken. So, try this vegetable in its raw form for a whole Vit C serving.

13 – Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Tomatoes are excellent in their raw or cooked form. But did you know that sun-dried tomatoes offer a fantastic pack of 101mg of Vitamin C per 100g of drained tomatoes?

14 – Kale

If you wish to use kale in its raw form, ensure that you wash the kale thoroughly when preparing a smoothie. In fact, a kale smoothie will supply you a 120mg of Vitamin C per 100g of Kale.

15 – Lychees (Raw)

The tropical fresh lychee fruit has 71.5mg of Vitamin C per 100g. While eating this fruit, do not eat the seeds since they can cause hypoglycemia.

16 – Longans (Raw)

Longan is another delicious tropical fruit. They form 84mg of Vit C per 100g. It encompasses of vitamins and minerals. the Longan is also used to achieved to acquire good eyesight.

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17 – Oranges

Oranges are the most common source of vitamin C in an American’s diet. An orange contains 53mg of Vitamin C per 100g. Oranges are consumed in their fresh state.

Who Needs Vitamin C?

The need for Vitamin C varies from one person to another. Some people require large amounts of Vitamin C, while others require small amounts. For instance, smokers either passive or active require large amounts of vitamin C to reduce damages caused by the free radicals that smoke releases.

Other Groups Who Need A Higher Vitamin C Intake Include:

  • People with a restricted diet and do not eat enough vegetables and fruits.
  • Those who are unable to entirely consume and absorb vitamins and nutrients.
  • People with certain health conditions, such as cancer or health conditions.

If you are unable to get enough Vitamin C in your diet, you can take supplements. Various medicinal brands offer Vitamin C supplements for such cases. However, this will require caution, depending on how it has been administered. When taken by mouth Vitamin C is likely safe and is one of the most recommended ways of administration.

Side effects may accompany such as nausea, heartburn, stomach ulcers, vomiting among others. It is worth noting that amounts higher than 2000mg daily dose may be unsafe as it increases the side effects such as kidney stones and severe diarrhea.

When applied to the skin, it is also safe for majority of people who require the supplement to achieve flawless skin.

Effects Of Excess Vitamin C

In adults, the recommended vitamin C dose is 9omg for males and 75mg for females. Note that smokers {passive and active} need 35 milligrams more than that each day since they expose themselves to free radical damages got from cigarette smoke. How do you check your Vitamin C levels? You can check the levels of vitamin C using a simple blood test from a doctor. Severe Vitamin C deficiency is experienced by the patients, but once boosted, the improvements are almost immediate.

Excess vitamin C consumption may lead to digestive disturbances, mainly if vitamin C consumed does not fully absorb. Other side effects of too much Vitamin C include:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach Cramping.

Final Thoughts On Ensuring You Consume Foods With Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient for good health. It is abundant in most plant foods, and eating a healthy diet that includes vegetables and fruits gives the body with all the vitamin C nutrients required. Necessary for good health. People who wish to boost vitamin C levels can do so by eating foods rich in Vitamin C.

Remember that the only person who can take care of your body is only you. Seek medical attention if you notice any changes within your body before and after boosting the levels of your Vitamin C. Choose wisely the strategy you use to increase the levels of vitamin C.


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