10 Health Issues You can Remedy with Essential Oils

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Loaded with volatile oils and other organic compounds, essential oils not only produce a divine scent, but also help heal the body. Essential oils have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Aromatherapy can help everything from insomnia to memory loss and more.

10 Health Issues That Can Be Treated With Essential Oils

1. Athlete’s Foot

Who knew that annoying itch between your toes could be treated with something as simple as tea tree oil? Tea tree oil, with its pungent and refreshing scent, is produced from the leaves of the tea tree in Australia and has antimicrobial properties.

2. Psoriasis

If you’ve ever dealt with psoriasis, you know that the itchy, red plaques caused by this condition are both painful and embarrassing. Recent research shows that psoriasis can be managed with essential oils, giving patients a safe and natural way to control this life-long condition.

3. Dry Skin

If you suffer from dry skin all year round or just during the winter, consider using essential oils for skin care. Many oils, including myrrh, rose and lavender, can help soothe and refresh dry skin.

4. Dull Skin

A dull complexion looks good on no one! Brighten up your skin with oils like geranium, frankincense and patchouli. These fragrant oils have been used for centuries as ingredients in cosmetics around the globe. The Egyptians were perhaps the first to use essential oils for skin care and more.

5. Acne

Another frustrating condition that often results in both physical and emotional pain, acne affects approximately 40 million Americans per year. Essences and oils can have a place in your skin care regimen.

6. Nausea

These wonderful oils are not just for the skin. Some can also be a natural and effective treatment for nausea. Ginger, in particular, is a powerful anti-emetic.

7. Joint Pain

Stiff and sore joints can be relaxed with a gentle combination of both cooling and heating oils such as peppermint and cinnamon. Try making your own liniment and let your pain melt away with nature’s help.

8. PMS

Essential oils have been traditionally used as a remedy for PMS and other women’s reproductive health complaints for hundreds of years. Essences of chamomile rose and ylang-ylang are particularly helpful for women, working to ease menstrual cramping and elevate mood.

9. Insect Bites

Assuming you’re not sensitive to any oils, you can use them to soothe and heal bug bites and stings. Tea tree, chamomile, eucalyptus and calendula are some of the best remedies for an insect bite.

10. Memory Loss

Scientific research has given some merit to the ancient art of aromatherapy. Recent research confirms that rosemary improves concentration and memory.

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A Word Of Caution

It is important to remember that while these oils are natural, they are also very potent medicines. As with all other medicines, these special oils can be potentially harmful if used improperly. With this in mind, resolve to first do no harm as Hippocrates once said in The Epidemics. Here are some tips to help you use these wonderful oils safely and effectively.

Educate Yourself

The best thing you can do to use essential oils properly is to educate yourself. Do as much research as you can about the oils you are thinking about using. Arming yourself with knowledge will help you to get the most out of your oils and to prevent any mishaps. You should also know if it is safe to combine two or more oils before you create any blends.

Always Dilute

Once you have acquainted yourself with the oils you will be using, prepare a 2% dilution with a suitable carrier oil before you decide to use them. Carrier oils are neutral vegetable oils which serve as a base for your oil blend. Common carrier oils include coconut, olive and sweet almond.

Do A Patch Test

If you’ll be applying the oils topically, a patch test is an easy and necessary way to determine whether or not your skin will react to the oil. To do this, combine one drop of the oil you will be testing—only one oil—and one teaspoon of carrier oil. Apply this mixture to a place on your body, such as behind your ears, the backs of your knees, or inside your wrists or elbows. Wait 24 hours, unless the anointed areas become itchy, painful or start to burn. In this case, clean the area with soap and water. If no irritation occurs after 24 hours, you can safely use the oil!


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