Here Is How I Boosted My Vitamin D Intake With Fruits & Veggies

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Although there are many types of vitamin supplements on the market today, I decided to eat better foods to boost my overall intake of vitamin d. This meant being strategic and knowledgeable with what I ate. Appropriate food choices like fruits and veggies can result in a body that is both healthy and physically fit. I’ve learned that vitamin d benefits have also promoted my health in other ways.

There are an array of vitamins and minerals that are required by the body to function at its optimum levels. Included in the list of vitamins is Calciferol, which is also referred to as vitamin d. According to the Harvard Medical School’s list of vitamins, one of the objectives of vitamin d is to ensure that our blood vessels remain normal. This means acquiring calcium and phosphorus from the things that we consume.

Learning About Foods With Vitamin D

It’s true that not everyone has the time to prepare meals each day. This doesn’t mean that there is not enough time to learn about food in general. The more I learned about foods that had the vitamins that I needed, the more engaged I became. Fruits and veggies provide a lot of options when it comes to choosing tasty dishes and snacks. Here are some delicious and healthy food options that appealed to me right away:

Orange Juice

Making Food Selections

According to WebMD, studies have shown a connection between vitamin d and the regulation of the neuromuscular system, as well as the immune system. So, the food selections that I began to make were helping me to achieve total health in many instances. Reading product labels was one of the helpful activities in my selection process. This assisted me with finding pre-packaged items that had vitamins.

Shopping for Health

Once you’re aware of the types of foods to look for, it’s time to start shopping. I knew that I wanted to boost my daily allowances of vitamins. Finding the right place to shop was important to me as well. Not every store had the types of vegetables or fruits that I wanted. Visiting different locations and local farmers’ stands provides both convenience and healthy options.

Getting Vitamins & Minerals

There is no set way to get the vitamins and minerals that you need into your diet. Conducting a little research and shopping around is pretty easy. My only choice for these two activities was to decide if I wanted to cook meals, purchase meals, or some of both. The later was the best option for me and my schedule. This also opened the door to finding great food choices for in-between meals. Snacking better actually works hand-in-hand with eating better because it is a matter of choice, as well.

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Benefiting from Food Choices

The vitamin d benefits are not merely short-term as it relates to fitness and health. Consuming the proper amount of this and other vitamins and minerals prepare the body for the future. This, of course, relates to strengthening the immune system and the ability to fight off illness. The vitamin d benefits also ensure that bones are strong and durable. This vitamin helps to prevent breaks and other related diseases.

My plan for getting my necessary vitamin d from fruits and vegetables ended up teaching me good habits. This involved not only eating better but knowing more about the sources of vitamins that my diet required. I learned that the body naturally makes vitamin d, but not enough for me on a daily basis. This production depends on the part of country one lives in because it is related to being able to absorb sunlight.

Taking the lead on my nutrition was the best approach for me to get my daily sources of vitamins. I have also gotten the chance to experiment with different foods. Some of these I may never have tried before my pursuit of better vitamin and mineral intakes. Fruits and veggies have really boosted my daily food sources and my fitness because I know more about what I eat. I also know why it is important to eat with health in mind.


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