10 Quick Home Remedies For Cold And Cough Relief

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Coughs happen to clear infections and irritants for the body, but when it comes to persistent coughing, it can become annoying. If you want to treat a cough or a cold, it will depend on the underlying cause. There are lots of possible causes of coughs, including infections, allergies, and acid reflux.

Some natural home remedies can help, but you should also note that the FDA does not monitor supplements and herbs, so if you are using them, you may be at risk of using products of low-quality or that have impurities.

If you want to use natural solutions at home for a cough, research about the sources and brands. Also, note that some supplements and herbs can interfere with some types of medication, which may result in unwanted side effects.

Let Us Now Go Through Some Of The Best Home Remedies That You Can Use If You Have A Persistent Cough.

Honey Tea

study that researched treatments on children who were coughing at night compared to dextromethorphan, a cough-suppressing medication, with dark honey and with no treatment. The findings of the research concluded that honey was the best remedy. Although the benefits between the two were small, honey was rated as the best remedy. To use honey at home, mix two teaspoons of honey with warm water and drink it either once or twice a day.


You can ease an asthmatic or a dry cough using ginger because it has anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help to relieve pain and nausea. There is a study that suggests that ginger has some anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce coughing. The effects of ginger were studied on animal and human cells.

To use ginger at home, add 20-40 grams of fresh ginger in one cup of hot water. Add lemon or honey to taste. You should note that in some cases, ginger tea can cause heartburn or stomach upset.

Lukewarm Water

Drink luke-warm water as many times as you can to fight the cold, sore throat or a cough. Warm water helps to reduce throat inflammation and flush the infection from the body.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root has been used as an herb for centuries to cure sore throats and coughs. The herb is high in mucilage (thick and gluey substance) content, making it possible to ease the irritation that is caused by coughing.

There is a small study that suggested the use of an herbal syrup containing thyme, ivy, and marshmallow roots to relieve coughs from respiratory tract infections. 90% of the participants rated that their cough cleared up after 12 days of drinking the syrup.

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This substance is obtained from the core of the pineapple fruit. Bromelain contains anti-inflammatory properties that may have mucolytic properties, meaning that it can break the mucus down and extract it from the body.

Some people drink a lot of pineapple juice to counter coughing, but there may not be enough bromelain in the juice to suppress the coughing. There are bromelain supplements that can be used, but consult with your doctor before using them.


Thyme is a common ingredient in the kitchen, and it’s also a common cough, sore throat, and bronchitis remedy. A study found out that ivy leaves and thyme in a cough syrup could relieve coughing more effectively because of the antioxidants present in the plant. To make a natural blend at home, take two teaspoons of dried thyme and put it in hot water. Stir for 10 minutes before sieving and drinking.

Salt-Water Gargle

One of the most common cough relief treatments for a wet cough and a sore throat is the salt-water gargle. Saltwater reduces the mucus and phlegm in the throat to reduce coughing. To prepare the solution at home, place a half tablespoon of salt in a warm cup of water and stir. Let the solution cool for a while and use it to gargle. As you gargle, allow the solution to stay at the back of the throat for a few minutes before you spit it out. Gargle several times a day.


Hydrating yourself is important if you have a cold or a cough. According to research, drinking liquids can alleviate a cough if they are prepared at room temperature. However, if you have the flu or a cold, warming up the beverages can be useful. In the same study, hot beverages help to alleviate symptoms like chills, sore throat, and fatigue. Some of the hot beverages that may be comforting include:

  • Herbal teas
  • Clear broths
  • Warm water
  • Warm fruit juices
  • Decaffeinated black tea


Boil flaxseeds until they become thick and then strain. Add some lime drops and a teaspoon of honey and drink the mixture.

Carrot Juice

This is an uncommon remedy that you can use to fight a cough and cold. It may be the first time to hear about carrot juice, but it helps to relieve a cough and the common cold.


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