10 Best Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

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Having hemorrhoids can be an annoying and frustrating problem to have to deal with. It can also be painful. Lucky for you, there are several methods you can use to make yourself more comfortable at home. Check out the following list for some easy methods that you can quickly implement.

Here Are 10 The Best Home Remedies For Your Hemorrhoids:

1. Sitz Baths

Sitz baths are very relaxing and can be done multiple times per day if you are able and have the space for it. A sitz bath is a type of bowl that can fit either on your toilet or where ever else is comfortable. You fill it with warm water and let your bottom soak for about ten or fifteen minutes. This is especially soothing right after a bowel movement and is one of the most recommended treatment options for hemorrhoids.

2. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a product many women use after they deliver a baby, and for good reason. It can help soothe an irritated area and help reduce inflammation and pain. It can also help decrease any associated itching. To use, you can apply directly to the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball or similar object. It’s important to note that if your symptoms worsen you may want to skip this option or find an alternate way of applying it.

3. Psyllium Husk

Psyllium husk will not help treat your issue directly, but it can help ease the symptoms. This is a powder found at your local pharmacy that you can stir into a glass of water or other liquid. It will act as a stool softener and decrease the amount of straining you have with your next bowel movement. This can help stop current issues from getting worse and prevent new ones from forming.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties when treating other skin issues like sunburns. The same applies to things like hemorrhoids. You will want to ensure the quality and purity of your product prior to using it because any additional ingredients could cause further irritation.

5. Epsom Salts With Glycerin

Try mixing two tablespoons of Epsom salts with two tablespoons of glycerin to make a sort of paste. Spread this on gauze and apply it to the affected area for relief of symptoms. A single application should last for approximately four to six hours. This can help decrease the amount of inflammation you have and bring your pain down to a tolerable level.

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6. Water Intake

Water intake is another important aspect in treating and preventing hemorrhoids. It will help your body handle waste products in a more efficient manner and prevent issues like constipation. Try to aim for a total of 64 ounces per day, but this amount can vary depending on body size, location, and other factors.

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is something you can buy in a variety of places. It is most known for its moisturizing effects, which can be helpful for treatment. This could also decrease the amount of irritation you have as well as reduce the urge to scratch.

8. Ice Packs

Ice packs can help treat hemorrhoids by numbing the areas that are affected. This can help reduce pain and itching, as well as any inflammation. You need to make sure you wrap your ice pack in a towel or even a t-shirt prior to using it in order to prevent damage to your healthy tissues.

9. Over The Counter Creams

There are several topical creams that you can pick up at the local pharmacy that will work to provide you with relief. Often these provide hemorrhoids treatment with the use of a numbing agent included in the cream which will work to temporarily eliminate sensation in the area. You can also contact your doctor for a recommendation on a pain relieving medication.

10. Increased Fiber

Another very common hemorrhoids treatment is the use of increased fiber in your diet. You can accomplish this with the use of beans, pears, or avocados. The fiber will help your bowel movements come out easier and quicker, which will prevent you having to strain on the toilet. This can prevent many issues from occurring.


As you can see, there are many ways to treat this condition from home. Many compounds work to reduce swelling or inflammation, or they can help decrease the amount of pain or irritation at the site. Lastly, there are lifestyle changes you can make, like drinking more water or increasing the amount of fiber in your diet.


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