Home remedies for the irritable bowel syndrome

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The irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disease that affects the colon causing changes in the intestinal rhythm, which can result in pain, discomfort and digestive problems.

Paying attention to our diet, reducing stress and doing physical activity is essential to improve the condition of patients with this condition, however, some home remedies can also be effective. Do you want to know what they are? we have given you some of the best home remedies for the irritable bowel syndrome.

1. Change habits to improve the irritable bowel

Although the exact cause that triggers the irritable bowel syndrome is unknown, specialists agree that this condition is increased by psychological factors normally linked to stress and anxiety. Additionally, intestinal sensitivity may be triggered due to previous pathologies such as food intolerances or gastroenteritis.

In any case, once we have it, our lifestyle can have a decisive influence on reducing the symptoms of this disease. Eating properly and exercising frequently are the best options, to this we can add some effective natural remedies when we feel discomfort and heaviness.

2.Chamomile, a good home remedy for the irritable bowel

One of the simplest home remedies for the irritable bowel to get and consume is chamomile infusion. This plant has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, reducing pain and discomfort, improving digestion, serving as a relaxant and promoting the expulsion of gases. It is recommended to drink a cup after the main meals, you will notice a quick relief.

3.Flax seeds to reduce discomfort

One of the symptoms of the irritable bowel in some patients is constipation. Increasing the intake of fiber-rich foods can be very favorable, but you can also incorporate into your routine a good home remedy for irritable bowel syndrome: flaxseed.

In addition to including flaxseed in your dishes, you can add a tablespoon of flax seeds to a glass of water, let stand overnight, strain in the morning and then drink. This will help you reduce inflammation and discomfort caused by this condition.

4.Peppermint oil to soothe the intestine

The peppermint oil is an excellent natural remedy for irritable bowel syndrome, and the digestive properties of this plant are well known, decreasing the presence of gases and improving digestive disorders. But in the specific case of irritable bowel syndrome, it helps calm the spasms of this organ, improving the patient’s condition.

The most advisable thing is to ingest peppermint oil in capsules, these can be obtained in the stores of natural products. Follow the product instructions for intake.

5. Fennel infusion, reduce pain effectively

Among the properties of fennel, its gastrointestinal benefits stand out, so it is not surprising that fennel infusion is one of the best home remedies for the irritable bowel. It reduces the inflammation of the intestine, reduces pain and improves digestion, so you can ingest a cup of this infusion when the symptoms attack you, however, it is important to note that this plant also serves as a mild laxative, so it is recommended in patients with constipation

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It should not be ingested if you have suffered from breast cancer, as it contains estrogen, nor should it be consumed by patients with hypothyroidism due to iodine content.

6.The lemon balm or Melissa,

popularly known for reducing anxiety and nerves, is also one of the best infusions for irritable colon due to its soothing and antispasmodic properties. It reduces pain, improves digestion and benefits our gastrointestinal health.

You can have a couple of cups a day, especially after dinner, as it will help you fall asleep. It should be avoided in people:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • With hypothyroidism, it could make this condition worse.

Patients who suffer from irritable bowel and suffer from pain, flatulence and poor digestion, will find great relief in thyme infusion. You can drink 3 cups daily, preferably after meals. It is a plant that, if consumed properly and without exceeding the recommended dose, has no side effects.

7. Ginger is known to be an excellent natural anti-inflammatory, which also greatly favors digestion by improving intestinal transit and reducing stomach heaviness. That is why it is an excellent option to make infusions for the irritable bowel. In our article how to make an infusion of ginger, we explain, step by step, how to make it. You can drink between 2 and 3 cups a day.

Ginger infusion should not be consumed if you suffer from:

  • Hypertension.
  • Gallstones
  • Or if you consume anticoagulants or diabetes medication, in those cases you should consult your doctor.


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