Low Stomach Acid Test

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Low stomach acid is one of the main reason behind chronic inflammation. But, most people will never know they have it since it is hard to trace it back to the stomach acid. Besides, doctors rarely pay any attention or consideration to the stomach acid levels.

Also, there are a lot of medical professionals who don’t completely address this problem. Hydrochloric acid, or stomach acid, has a chemical composition of one part chloride and one part hydrogen. To determine if you have this problem, there are a few symptoms and tests that can help you detect it.

Furthermore, there is a test you can do at the comfort of your home, and it is very fast and easy. But, before you do it, you need to know if you have the symptoms of low stomach acid.


Here are the most common signs and disorders that the low stomach acid can cause:

  • Acne
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Flatulence, belching, and bloating immediately after meals
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic Candida
  • Dry skin
  • Hair loss
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • constipation
  • Iron deficiency
  • Multiple food allergies
  • Rectal itching
  • Undigested food in stools
  • Many autoimmune diseases
  • cracked, weak, or peeling fingernails

Stomach Acid Test

The easiest and cheapest test you can make at home is this one. All you will need is a ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. And, we all know the immense benefits of baking soda. This is the perfect chance and the safest to see the level of your stomach acid.

The way that this test works is by creating a specific chemical reaction in the stomach that happens due to the mix of OH- ions in the baking soda together with the hydrogen ions. As a result, the stomach will cause carbon dioxide gas production and will result in burping.

Since this test has countless variables, both false positive and negative, it is best to try and minimize these variables by performing the test with the best accuracy. Therefore, we recommend that you try to do this test 3 consecutive mornings to see your average results.

Also, it is ideal to do this test on an empty stomach, since drinking and eating something can alter with the test’s results. Besides, it is important to get accurate and lasting results so that you can solve your problem with the stomach.

However, have in mind that there are no studies or scientific data that completely support this method and its reliability. Therefore, the results can be different for every person. So, every individual might experience different results.

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Nevertheless, it is still a great way to measure the stomach acid levels if you are willing to.

How to Do the Test?

For this simple and cost-effective test, you will need the following:

  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 4-6 oz of cold water

Mix it together and consume this drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Now, try to measure how long it will take for you to belch or burp. If after 5 minutes you haven’t burped than it could mean that you have low stomach acid.

But, if you burped repeatedly, it means that you have too much stomach acid. Therefore, this could prove useful for measuring the stomach acid levels.

I Have Low Stomach Acid, What Now?

If you think you have low stomach acid, it is pretty simple what you should do. For a short period, you can solve your problem by taking supplements to replenish the acid levels. In addition, your digestive system will start to work more efficiently than before.

Most people often use supplements with Betaine HCL to restore the stomach acid. Also, some people believe that this supplement can help the stomach get the necessary amount of pH levels that it needs. But, if you want to solve this problem for the long-run, it is best to find the root of the problem.

Of course, the best way to do this is to focus on natural alternatives, rather than to rely on chemicals. Try to eat real food, with real salt, fermented veggies, consume more foods that contain zinc and various multivitamins.

Lastly, drink a cup of hot tea with every meal you eat.

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