12 Symptoms of Thyroid Disorder Million Women Ignore

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Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common problems around the world. More than 27 million people in the U.S. are not even aware that they have this condition. However, if you consider the cases of thyroid conditions around the world, this number will highly increase.

Even though this condition is treatable, many people can’t recognize the symptoms before it advances. They believe that they might have other health disorders and ignore the warning signs.

Here are the common symptoms you should look out for.

1. Thinning Hair

If you are losing more hair than before, it might mean that you have a dysfunctional thyroid. Also, it might affect your eyebrows and the hair’s growth cycle. As a result, a segment of your hair stays stunned, while the rest of the hair grows.

In the end, the scalp looks bare. However, there are many reasons that can cause hair loss. But, if you have problems with your thyroid, you should consider checking it out. If you don’t, in the long run, your hormones may cause other problems.

2. Changing Your Sleeping Patterns

If you wake up too easily, but you have been a deep sleeper your entire life, it might mean that your thyroid is overactive. Furthermore, it pumps out excess hormones like T4 and T3 and affects the nervous system.

Therefore, it might lead to insomnia. But, if you don’t treat it, it can cause serious problems like anxiety, weight loss, hair loss, depression, fatigue, and weight gain.

3. Random Sweating

An excessive amount of sweating in random places on your body may be a sign of a highly hyperactive thyroid. The abnormal hormonal levels make you feel very tired and warm. So, if you have any of these symptoms, you should check your thyroid.

4. Brain Fog

This is a common symptom that shows the dysfunction of your thyroid. Therefore, you shouldn’t ignore the fuzziness, mental fatigue or episodes of extreme forgetfulness. Contact your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

5. Too Much Excess Energy

The sudden surge of energy may be a result of an overactive thyroid. In addition, you might feel restless and fully charged, so you might have difficulty sleeping. To find out what is happening to your body, you should consult with your doctor.

6. Sudden Loss of Weight

If your thyroid is overactive, it can affect the hormones and force your metabolism to work double-time. As a result, your body burns an excessive amount of calories in a short time. Even though this might sound good, it is definitely not healthy.

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You surely need to check the thyroid out.

7. Miscarriage or Infertility

There are many reasons that can cause miscarriage or infertility, but one of them is the dysfunction of the thyroid. The hormones can affect the ovulation cycles and raise the risk of miscarriages.

But, you can stop this from happening if you take hormonal supplements and proper medication.

8. Anxiety for No Reason

If you don’t worry or get anxious easily, but now for some reason, you can’t control yourself, you might be suffering from a thyroid dysfunction. Even though it is normal to feel sad from time to time, but if you worry all the time, you might start feeling severely depressed.

9. Craving for a Nap in the Afternoon

If you feel a sudden urge to sleep during the afternoon, it might be a sign of an unhealthy thyroid. Extreme exhaustion during the day is the first symptom of unstable hormones. The ones that produce energy.

10. Unstable Menstrual Cycles

Even though it is common for most women to have irregular cycles, there are some chances that the thyroid gland can be the cause of it. Therefore, it doesn’t produce the necessary amount of hormones and causes an extreme flow.

However, if the cycle has very long gaps, it means that the thyroid is overactive. Whatever the case, you should consult with your doctor if you want to solve this problem.

11. Different Bowel Habits

If your bowel movements suddenly change, it might mean that your thyroid is not functioning properly. But if your thyroid is highly overactive it will not affect the bowel movements. Therefore, if you see some changes in your eating patterns, you could seek medical attention.

12. An Excessive and Sudden Weight Gain

If you suddenly have gained too much weight, it might mean that your thyroid has some problems. Especially if you haven’t made any changes to your regular eating habits. As a result, the hormone levels could fall and the metabolism can slow down.

Sources: CureJoy | HypothyroidMom | HealthLine

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