The Secret to Back Pain is In Your Feet! The 10 Exercises That Fix Everything!

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Back pain affects millions of people worldwide and can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, stress, and more.  Its intensity can range from mild to severe.

Yet, only a few people are aware of the fact that our feet can also contribute to back pain, as they play a major role in our movement, and are vital for our body posture.

Triad Foot Center explains:

“Lower back pain, also known as lumbosacral pain, can be caused by conditions related to your feet. Pain in the lower back is sometimes caused by over-pronation of the foot, which occurs when the arch of the foot ‘collapses’.

Over time, the foot rolls inward, and thus the leg itself begins to rotate inward. The pelvis tilts forward, which increases the curvature of the lower back. Standing for long periods of time can aggravate this condition by causing your back muscles to tighten. Stiffness and discomfort in the lower back are the results. Other conditions caused by over-pronation are misaligned bones, hammertoes, bunions, and knee pain.”

Moreover, according to Dr. Paul Ross, a foot specialist at The Podiatry Center:

“Flat feet, in particular, can cause misalignment with the ankle, which causes joints to connect differently, which can cause misalignment in the knee joint. That can affect your hips, which also affects the way you walk. That affects the spine, especially your lower back. It makes sense that this could happen… our feet are actually pretty delicate and our bodies are complex.”

Here are some beneficial foot exercises that can help you treat back pain without using painkillers:

Toe pressing

Toe pressing activates the blood flow in the feet and thus alleviates the pain in the back. Stand upright on the floor with the knees bent, and grip the floor with the toes. Hold for 3 seconds, and repeat 10 times with each foot. 

Toe walking

Try walking on the toes for 20 seconds daily, in order to strengthen the tendons and muscles and soothe the back pain.

Toe stretching

Sit on the floor and cross one of the legs over the other. Then, stretch the toes in all directions three times, and repeat with the other foot.

Toe pencil grip

Stand upright with the knees bent, put a pencil on the floor, and try to grab it with the toes. Hold it for a few seconds, relax, and repeat several times.

Heel tendon stretch

Stand in front of a wall, stretch one leg in front of you, bend the right knee while moving the hips toward the wall, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. 

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Upward stretching

While lying on the floor, stretch the legs in front of you, and wrap a towel around the feet. Raise them with the knees straight, and hold when the knee is just over the head.  Repeat with the other leg.

Ankle circles

Lying on the floor, stretch one leg up, and circle the ankle for up to 15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Heel stretch

Sit on the floor with one leg in front of you, and bend the other under the thigh. Try to reach the toes and move them around for half a minute. Repeat with the other leg.

Resistance bend stretch

Sit down on the floor, with a chair in front of you. Wrap one end of a resistance band on the chair and the other on the feet. Pull back as much as you can, hold for 15 seconds, and make 10 repetitions. 

Foot massage

Step on a tennis ball on the floor with the arch, and start pushing it back and forward to massage the foot. 

The following video will show some effective stretches to help you alleviate back, knee, and hip pain:


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