5 Best Home Remedies to Treat Tailbone Pain

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Are you experiencing some tailbone pain? We know the struggle. This is why for today we’ve curated a post for you to find out about the symptoms and how to treat if you’re going through it.

Good luck! Information below.

Here’s Why Your Tailbone Hurts

  • Injuries
  • Falls
  • Contact Sports
  • Pregnancy
  • Bowling, rowing, and cycling
  • Bone spur
  • Infection
  • Cancer


  • Your tailbone feels soft to the touch, and when you do so it hurts tremendously
  • There is visible bruising
  • The pain becomes a lot worse when sat down
  • Going to the bathroom is a painful process
  • Feeling a sharp pain during sex

Here’s How to Prevent & Treat a Tailbone Injury

You can prevent injuring your tailbone by wearing some protective gear if you’re a sporty kind of person. A lot of gym trainers strongly recommend it as well. Be careful of the environment that you’re in. For example, If the floor is slippery or if the road is steep. You don’t want to fall on your tailbone.

For today we’ve prepared a tiny list of ways to treat tailbone pain at home using ingredients you probably already have.

Read all about it below.

Ice Pack / Heat Pack

Ingredients: A water bottle, hot water, or ice pack

How-To: Place the ice or heat pack on the area that hurts the most and sit still for about 20 minutes. Repeat for as long as it hurts and if this method helps you.

Tailbone Massage

Ingredients: Massage Oil of choice

How-To: Massage the area that hurts the most for up to 15 minutes while simultaneously applying as much pressure as you can handle. Massage the area at least twice a day.


If you keep having tailbone trouble for no reason, this can be a sign of suffering from vitamin B12, B6, and vitamin D deficiencies.

This is why you should look into speaking to a professional, do some tests to see the kind of deficiency that you have, and take the needed supplements. After a little while of your system adjusting to the dosage of these supplements, you should be just fine.

Castor Oil

Ingredients: Castor Oil, Bandage

How-To: Cover the area where you’re experiencing pain and cover the oiled up area with a bandage so that the skin can absorb the oil. Repeat the process every night before you go to bed.

Epsom Salt Bath

Ingredients: 2 cups of Epsom Salt

How-To: Put the two cups of Epsom salt in a hot bath and lie down to relax. The salt should do its thing and relieve you of pain. Repeat every other day before bed.

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Know someone who is experiencing tailbone pain or are you yourself going through it? Tell us what helped you in the comments below. Don’t forget to share the post to spread the word.


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