Vaping Linked to Brain Damage, Narrow Arteries & Serious Lung Damage

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The first successful electronic cigarette was presented to the world in 2003. Millions of people worldwide use “electronic nicotine delivery systems” (ENDS), including electronic cigarettes. Juul e-cigarettes are supposed to help adults stop smoking easily. Teens and young adults use them as “vaping device.”

Most adults are unable to identify a Juul and haven’t even tried one, but it’s really popular in teens. Unfortunately, science has bad news for pretty much everyone who is interested in using Juul devices and “vaping.”

This product affects brain development, damages lungs, elevates the risk of hypertension and also increases the risk of smoking addiction.

The US Food and Drug Administration announced its readiness to ban flavored e-cigarettes in 2018. This decision may be changed if manufacturers find a way to keep their e-cigarettes away from minors.

The decision was brought after stats shows that the use of e-cigarettes by high-school and middle-school kids has increased in a year (2017-2018). If the ban persists, flavored e-cigarettes won’t be available in the US.

Juul products

A Juul is e-cigarette that resembles a cigarette but has no tobacco in it. It works on batteries and has a solution of nicotine, flavorings and dangerous chemicals.

Juuling is a type of vaping, the process in which a nicotine solution turns into an inhalable mist. E-cigarettes have heated nicotine extracted from tobacco, but there’s no tobacco in them.

A 2017 survey supported by the Schroeder Institute at Truth Initiative confirmed that 25 percent of teens aged 15-17 and 29 percent of young adults aged 18-24 can recognize a Juul device. About 10-12 have used a Juul. Young adults are most likely to use Juuls regularly.

Juuls was first released in 2015, and Juul Labs signed the release. The company did an effort to help people switch to a healthier alternative. However, the “better solution” is actually causing more harm than good.

There’s an ongoing debate regarding the use of e-cigarettes and the danger they are causing. This product isn’t harmless, and may cause serious issues in young adults and teens.

Juuling and vaping

A Juul has five percent nicotine which is the same amount found in cigarettes. A nicotine cartridge gives you 200 puffs, giving you the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.

Juuls don’t contain tobacco, but deliver nicotine in the same way as cigarettes. Nicotine reaches your lungs, affects your brain function, and increases the risk of nicotine addiction.

The difference between vaping and Juuling

— Juuling is a type of vaping. Unlike other vaping products, it gives a greater dose of nicotine.

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— The chemical composition of Juuls includes organic nicotine salts (nicotine and organic acid). Other vaping products have propylene glycol and glycerin, and these act as solvents.

— Nicotine salts ease the absorption of nicotine. PAX Labs claims that Juuls have the same nicotine concentration as traditional cigarettes. This product can deliver nicotine 1.25-2.7 times faster than other vaping products.

— Juuls is easy to use and looks simple

— A Juul looks like a USB stick, and kids hide it from parents and teachers. It doesn’t emit vapor and can be used everywhere without people noticing it.

— Juuls delivers “less harsh” nicotine when compared to traditional cigarettes.

What makes Juuling this popular?

Sales of Juuls have increased by 680 percent within two years. People find this product handy and easy to use.

— Juuls are simple and pleasant. You can get a starter kit for $29 to $49. You can use them discreetly, and there are several flavors (mint, mango, fruit and creme).

— Authorities approve and encourage the use of Juuls. The American Cancer Society, American Public Health Association and Royal College of Physicians support juuling. These organizations believe that e-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes.

— Last year, the American Cancer Society (ACS) Board of Directors encouraged smokers to switch to safer alternatives.

The American Cancer Society approves this product, relying on the fact that cigarettes cause cancer. Seven million people die to cancer each year.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report in November 2018, suggesting that the number of smokers has been reduced lately. Is it because of the juuling? Or the smoke-free campaigns?

4 Dangers of Juuling

We don’t have much info regarding the health consequences of long-term use of juuls.

1. Consumption and addiction in teens and young adults

The FDA banned the use of vaping products by children under 18. The product is available at gas stations, convenience stores and smoke shops.

E-cigarettes increase the risk of real smoking, leading to long-term use of cigarettes.

2. Cardiovascular disease

Nicotine increases heart rate and elevated blood pressure. It may also trigger the development of heart disease. Some health authorities say that juuling doesn’t increase the risk of heart attack.

A study found that e-cigarettes narrow arteries by 30 percent, affecting the widening of blood vessels. This product stiffens the main artery in the body that carries oxygenated blood. This stiffness may be a sign of atherosclerosis, stroke and aneurysm.

3. DNA damage

Vaping modifies DNA in oral cells as reported by recent research. A study conducted by the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota found that vaping increases the levels of DNA-damaging compounds, such as formaldehyde, acrolein and methylglyoxal. Vaping increases DNA damage, leading to a higher risk of cancer.

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4. Respiratory damage

The flavors attract the attention of young users. Sweet-flavored e-cigarettes are more popular than e-cigarettes with nicotine in teenagers. But, when combined with vape fluid, these flavors change chemistry.

Producers use diacetyl, acetoin and 2,3-pentanedione to flavor their product. These chemicals damage the respiratory system, leading to bronchiolitis, severe respiratory disease and irritation of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes and lungs.

These chemicals can accumulate in lungs, triggering inflammation and increasing the risk of infections. This was confirmed by a 2018 report released by the American Physiology Society.

Do you use vaping as a way to stop smoking?

— Vaping is sort of safer than smoking, but it isn’t healthy at all

— Heating and inhaling changes the chemical structure of agents in vaping products, and they may lead to lung irritation

— Nicotine in vaping products still causes addiction, and you may experience withdrawal effects, including irritability, anxiety, jitters, changes in appetite, headaches, etc.

— The FDA says that e-cigarettes aren’t totally safe, and shouldn’t be used as a way to stop smoking.

How to stop juuling and vaping

Consult your doctor about your therapy, and use medications and patches to quit smoking.

If you use Juuls, here are some tips to quit:

— Mindfulness meditation and other mind-body practices work like magic. You can try yoga, meditation, tai chi, hypnotherapy, biofeedback and guided imaginary. These can help in treating stress, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and withdrawal symptoms.

— Group relaxation training can also help you resist your cravings. Cognitive behavioral therapies work well, too.

— Use nicotine gum/patches may be of great help, and are considered less addictive. Don’t forget that these products still fill the physical need, and you don’t address the problems caused by your nicotine addiction.

— Online programs offer support and tips on how to stop smoking.

— Black pepper essential oil shuts down cravings and relieves the withdrawal effects. You can vape it to get a similar sensation to smoking. This oil also reduces anxiety.

Final words

Juuls are e-cigarettes packed with nicotine. The product uses batteries and is “enriched” with flavorings and chemicals

Juuling is vaping, and delivers nicotine which may cause addiction

Juul devices cause brain development issues, cardiovascular problems, DNA damage and lung issues


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