Whiten Your Skin Using Natural Remedies

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Nowadays, there are many factors, such as UV rays, pollution, stress, bad nutrition, that can harm and get your skin an imbalanced tone. Also, instead of improving your skin, all of those cosmetics contain additives and damaging chemicals that cause harm to it.

Fortunately, we have our nature to help us. The best way to take care, brighten, and balance your skin tone is to use ingredients or products that are natural.

So, here are some methods you can use to lighten your skin:


The benefits of lemon juice over your health are already popular. However, for a long time now, it has been used as a remedy to enlighten your skin. Since lemon juice may be too much for your skin, you should add water. Make a mixture of one part water and one part lemon juice, take a cotton pad, soak it, and apply it on your skin.

Keep it on your face for 15 minutes, and clean it with warm water. It is good to remember that you should use this method two or three times a week after the treatment – moisten your skin and clean it well with water before exposing in the sunlight.

Lemon and milk

Milk contains enzymes that help in skin whitening. Also, it has moisturizing characteristics which make it a good combination with lemon since lemon dries out the skin. You only need to prepare your bath tub with warm water. Add a cup full of milk to the water, and extracted lemon juice. Get in the tub and stay about 20 mins. Then shower yourself. Do this one time in a week.

Coconut oil as a moisturizer

Keeping a moisturized skin is a good thing to do since it prevents scales of dead skin cells. After a shower, use a coconut oil (light amount). Give it 10 mins. to take effect and your skin will thank you throughout the whole day.

Use sugar and salt, and almonds or oatmeal as exfoliators

Exfoliation helps you get rid of dead skin cells and giving you a nice and fresh skin. To exfoliate your body, make a mixture of salt and sugar and scrub your skin. But, you face skin is more sensitive, so crush some almonds or take oatmeal and gently rub your skin. Move your hand in circles while scrubbing. Do it two times a week.


Tomato helps in treating sunburn, remove dead skin cells, and whiten your skin. There are a few recipes for you to make yourself a natural skin whitening treatment.

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For the first cleansing treatment, you will need:

  • Tomato juice
  • Fresh milk

Take a bowl and add one spoon of milk and one spoon of tomato juice. Mix it, and soak a cotton pad to apply the mixture to your face. Let it stay 15 minutes, then wash it off. You may do this every day.

For the second scrubbing treatment, you will need:

  • Gram flour
  • Sugar
  • Tomato

Take a bowl and add one spoon of sugar and one spoon of gram flour. Then, take one part of the tomato and soak it in the mixture and scrub your face for 5 mins. In the end, wash it off. You should use this 2-3 times a week.

And for the last recipe, you will need:

  • Tomato
  • Gram flour
  • Curd
  • Honey

Take the tomato, cut it in small parts and grind it. Add one teaspoon of curd and a half teaspoon of honey, two or three teaspoons of gram flour. Make a good mixture and put it on your face. Let it stay for half an hour, and wash it off with water.

Rose water

Here is one more recipe with rose water. Make a paste out of a few ingredients and expect a whiter skin in a week.

For the paste, you will need:
  • Rose water
  • Gram flour
  • Fuller’s earth

Take a bowl and mix one tsp. of fuller’s earth, and one tsp. of gram flour. Add rose water enough to make a smooth paste. When it is done, massage your face for a minute and wash it off with lukewarm water.

Sources: Style Craze, Glow Pink, Glow Pink, Reward Me

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