You Can Get These 5 Things From Throwing Your Legs Up A Wall Every Day

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You must have heard previously that throwing your legs higher than your core is beneficial for you. Older people usually say that. Well, at least my grandmother does. However, we don’t really know how exactly this position affects our health.

Another evidence of the use of this position is the way patients are asked to lie down at hospitals. We are talking about patients, who have traumas or any other problems with their lower body. It also concerns people, who break their legs.

Thus, we think it worth believing that the position of legs up is good for our bodies. Today we want to figure out how can this position influence the quality of our daily life. We bet that you would feel better, if you spend some time with your legs up every day. These are the reasons for it.

#1. Position of legs-up-the- wall came from India. It is claimed to be beneficial, because it allows your core to have some rest. When you lie on your back, your spine is attached to the floor, so that your back is completely straight. This positions take the negative load of your spine and back.

#2. The position helps blood circulating all over your body. Extra load on legs can sometimes prevent good circulation of blood. It can even lead to so- called “heavy lower body”, which ,means that extra weight will be gained on your legs in particular.

#3. This position helps you to relax. Throwing your legs up against the wall and deep breathing can help you to tune up. This position suits good for any type of meditation, as it allows blood circulate all over your body, so that you feel relaxed.

#4. It will help you to recover from traumas and to feel better after heavy workout. You can be more productive at the gym, if you have good rest. Sometimes it is hard to regain energy in between excessive trainings. This position will help you to rest well and, consequently, to spend time at gym more effectively.

#5. This position will help your neck muscles to rest and to relieve the tension. To be honest, this position can even substitute a massage. So, we suggest that you try it out. You are very welcome to share your opinion with us in comments!

The BetterMe Team wants you and those close to you to live a healthy, happy life! Your health is a valuable thing; look after your body and your mind so that you can live your life to the fullest – Remember you only get one!

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